WOW big changes to PADI DM for July 2011

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This is sad to me. I can see maybe cutting someone a break on the swim tests if you have seen them swim quite competently before

As many know I have a lot of thoughts on the stamina tests. I assume you mean
(s)he's been seen swimming competently for a full 400 yds./metres.
I absolutely agree with what a lot of posters have said about the value of the internship option. You can't simulate the kind of experience you get from real students. On the first OW course I interned on, I did three (genuine) tired diver tows, one (genuine) cramp removal, dealt with a few (genuine . . . you get the picture) equiliszation issues, stopped a few people from trying to grab fish, stopped another few from swimming off towards New Zealand (I'm in Australia), and carried 9lbs extra throughout in case the instructor needed extra weight for students (which of course he did). You can't buy that kind of experience. On top of that, I found it really a lot of fun, and a real buzz to help people breathe underwater for the first time - also something you wouldn't get in a simulated situation.

I like the other changes, particularly the deep requirement. Should there also be a night diving specialty requirement (beyond the current "experience in night diving") and a more intensive navigation requirement? Just a thought.

Just noticed that finally they is some SMB/DSMB stuff. Its crazy that we're getting newly qualified instructors who have never used a DSMB or SMB at the moment.

Not seen the new materials but it does at least now give the ability to teach that formally. Id like to see both types made mandatory as exercises though
Sounds like some good changes to me! Kinda wish they would have changed their new materials this last year. I like the workshop ideas but still think they should be in addition to an internship, I have found no greater learning experience than actually working with instructors during their courses and helping real students.
Just noticed that finally they is some SMB/DSMB stuff. Its crazy that we're getting newly qualified instructors who have never used a DSMB or SMB at the moment.
SMB/DSMB use has only become more common over the past 5 years or so. For example, in 2000 I didn't see anyone use it in the Red Sea. But about 4 years ago in Palau & Australia, they were quite common.

Furthermore, their use is very regional: while it may be ubiquitous in the Red Sea, you probably wont see them being used in freshwater environments. So it's understandable why it's not a major component of the course.

Kind of like drysuits. ;)
IMHO, any pro-level certification should be subject to external verification. PADI still neglect this.

For as long as any instructor can run a DM course without oversight and certify without verification, the system can be flouted and the qualification rendered meaningless.

I agree with this... I have almost finished the DM course and would like to know how "good" i am. The store I'm doing with are quite realistic and aren't a certification factory it would be nice for some constructive feedback from PADI (or even another instructor not connected to the shop).

so people are mentioning a lot about dealing with "real" students as a change? we were requiring to complete at least 2 full courses (OW and AOW) and help with a club day as a minimum. We were recommended to keep diving on courses as much as possible until we've filled out all the other requirements (which for me is the map and 60 dives)

not knowing what the course was like before i did it, I think there aren't too many skill areas that can be improved on unless you put DMC's in more unrealistic situations (we also completed a bailout and ditch and don for instructor pleasure ;-p ) search and rescue was fine, but as I recently completed my rescue course, not taxing.

my critisim comes mainly at the physical requirements of the DM course... while I'm a technically proficient swimmer and did a lot of racing during school I haven't done laps or really been active in going to a gym for a long time (10 years)... i would not consider myself fit. I missed out on a 4 by 10 seconds in the swim and easily achieved a 4 in the tow with a 5 in the tred water i had enough points to not bother with the snorkel (but obviously did).... I don't think I should have passed personally... but what it has done has gotten me back in the pool 3 times a week which is a good thing in the end i guess...

the only other thing is the theory which not being very strong generally on dive theory previous to the course i can't really comment on... there are probably a few too many "puff chapters" and not enough serious deco/physics, but whether this is necessary for a DM or not is questionable. Personally the fact that there is no major data detailing reverse profiling is bad, then telling DM's to inforce the no-reverse profiling policy is stupid... either show me data, or remove the requirement.

all in all, most people say the rescue course is the best PADI course they've done, but i think the DM has been great, whether or not i intend to continue to instructor.
There was already a DSD workshop in the previous DM course. I don't know why PADI include these because its not something a DM can conduct anyway. Is it because they know that in many places that's exactly what DMs teach anyway?

As I understand it, its the workshops that have to be conducted as a role-play. The practical assessments can still be done with "real" students.

The exam has much less dive theory, meaning someone who doesn't really understand, say, physics, can still pass. What if he/she then does their IDC? Its going to be a big jump.
DMs can already conduct DSDs. It's just that in the past in order for the DM to be qualified to do so, s/he had to have an add-on rating. Now it seems that all DMs will automatically be rated to conduct DSDs. In terms of the ratings and training framework, this seems to be parallel with the relatively recent change requiring all new OWSIs to be rated to teach EFR whereas in the past it was an optional add-on.
I don't think "Quero" is right.

All DMs cannot conduct DSDs. They must first complete a DSD Leader Internship with an Instructor and send an application to PADI. This is still the case. I think that including all this training on DSDs just confuses things more.

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