Would you Encourage or Discourage your Child to Enlist?

If Your Child Wanted to Enlist, Would You ...

  • Encourage the idea

    Votes: 44 26.3%
  • Discourage the idea

    Votes: 62 37.1%
  • Tell them it's up to them

    Votes: 61 36.5%

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thats why it is important to let your "kids" have unstructured "play" time off the school yard, taking the bus, playing basketball in the "ghetto" maybe doing some not so safe activities. AND talk to them about the news, what is going on. I've shown mine some pretty graphic pictures of executed bodies in the name of helping them *know* to some extent what is going on out there. That is a parent's job. Would I turn them over to the government before I had "indoctrinated" them myself? Absolutely not. They are free to think whatever they like, but I got my two cents in and put them through their paces.
Your job is to raise adults, not better, bigger kids.

They have both been in my very special boot camp for quite a few years now.

People will look back and realize what that was worth....

Catherine, I don't know how old your children are but mine are grown and out of the house. I certainly have a long list of things that I should have done different. there's a good chance that you will too.
thats why it is important to let your "kids" have unstructured "play" time off the school yard, taking the bus, playing basketball in the "ghetto" maybe doing some not so safe activities. AND talk to them about the news, what is going on. I've shown mine some pretty graphic pictures of executed bodies in the name of helping them *know* to some extent what is going on out there. That is a parent's job. Would I turn them over to the government before I had "indoctrinated" them myself? Absolutely not. They are free to think whatever they like, but I got my two cents in and put them through their paces.
Your job is to raise adults, not better, bigger kids.

They have both been in my very special boot camp for quite a few years now.

People will look back and realize what that was worth....

I have two sons, one served in the USAF and the other in the Marines and this is what I told them. LISTEN to every detail your instructors tell you and remember it, it may save your life one day. Then I told them of an instance where one of my platoon was shot and killed because he made a silly mistake.
okay, now you lost me. *NO* we would not include them becuase that would be stupid Gangs shoot each other over drugs and you want to compare that to people in office buildings and civilians on planes?

First of all remember that we had a "war on drugs" before we had a war on terror. Gangs don't just shoot eachother. As often as not, they just get whoever happens to be on the street.
A mentally ill kid on a shooting rampage has not set forth a serious organized threat to defeat us and ruin our economic system.

I don't know how you define mentally ill but what specifically are you refering to as a threat to our economic system?
No offense, but wake up. An organized concerted effort is underway. Don't take my word for it, listen to what Al Queda says.

Have you ever seen a guy with a rifle ride a camel from the middle east to the US to attack? I'm guessing not. On the other hand, the guys who flew the planes into the buildings on 9/11 were here and learning to fly. Purdue University, 50 miles from my house is full of people from the middle east learning chemestry, biology and physics. They can blow up or poison anything they want, any time they want. Purdue even has their own air port. What else do they need?...$1 for a box cutter? I don'care what you do in the middle east, the threat is already here.

What about Kansas city? That was just some American farmers with some furtilizer.

In any case, 3000 or so died in New York on 9/11 and we've killed that many of our own in Iraq. According to my calculations, that's going the wrong way.

Our war on terror is like our war on drugs. There is no evidence that it's done anything except maybe make the wrong people wealthy.
Our war on terror is like our war on drugs. There is no evidence that it's done anything except maybe make the wrong people wealthy.
You're not paying attention, Mike. Or you're not digging deeper than the relentless skewed, often outright false and always incomplete pap handed out daily by the newspukes.
Our war on terror is like our war on drugs. There is no evidence that it's done anything except maybe make the wrong people wealthy.

Really - I disagree

During the war on drugs we had a short period of time where we went "zero tolerance". That was when we would confiscate the yachts, mansions, and high priced cars of the rich and famous even if we caught them with trace amounts of drugs - the same way we treated the poorer group of drug users. Our public cried foul - we were being to rough on the users (purchasers) of the illegal drugs and the program was dropped because of public outcry.

In this one single event the govt got it right and our citizens wimped out. Those who bought the drugs are just as bad as those that sell it - no market - no sellers (kinda like dive shops these days with the internet:) ) There is no valid comparison here

While I do not agree with the way the war has gone - I do believe that we can't just sit here and wait for the next group to show up on our door steps. It's not a matter of if, only when.

Of course the mods will take this post out for being off topic - but I hope it's around long enough to get read a few times

H2Andy I gotta give you credit - gutsy move starting this thread.

Rick Murchison:
You're not paying attention, Mike. Or you're not digging deeper than the relentless skewed, often outright false and always incomplete pap handed out daily by the newspukes.

I suppose it's possible that I could be wrong but, I use lots of sources. If you have a recommendation to offer, I'd be glad to check it out.

Now, my most recent info on what's really going on in Iraq was this morning from my son who is actually in Iraq. I guess he could have lied but he has no affiliation with any news netwerk so he wouldn't qualify as a "newspuke".
I certainly have a long list of things that I should have done different. there's a good chance that you will too.

17 and 15.

so far, not really. Except hang up their own damn towels....unless they end up in therapy, of course.

Well, I get daily first hand up dates too and they don't square with the reports.

In fact, it is almost like the enemy has the microphone. Al Jezeera is giving us a better shake. A lot of us flag wavers are getting our news there these days. I can't wait to turn it over to all the smart people that have all the answers.
I'll do fine because you can't terrorize me anymore at this point. Getting on a plane that *might* blow up is a peice of cake compared to living through this.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel for us. I feel bad for whoever is taking over this watch. I'm going to try and remember that they are my tribe.
Really - I disagree

During the war on drugs we had a short period of time where we went "zero tolerance". That was when we would confiscate the yachts, mansions, and high priced cars of the rich and famous even if we caught them with trace amounts of drugs - the same way we treated the poorer group of drug users. Our public cried foul - we were being to rough on the users (purchasers) of the illegal drugs and the program was dropped because of public outcry.

In this one single event the govt got it right and our citizens wimped out. Those who bought the drugs are just as bad as those that sell it - no market - no sellers (kinda like dive shops these days with the internet:) ) There is no valid comparison here

No. there was more to it. The problem was that the government (the IRS, I think) had the power to take property where there were drugs or drug transactions without TRIAL!

My lawyer told me of a case where a lady called the police because there were kids swapping drugs and money in her yard and they took her house.

Sort of like now...if they call you a terrorist they can lock you up indefinately without trial. What is the legal definition of terrorism?

We want to be very careful about letting the government short circuit due process. The reason for those rules and laws is exactly so the government can't just lock up whoever they want, whenever they want.
While I do not agree with the way the war has gone - I do believe that we can't just sit here and wait for the next group to show up on our door steps. It's not a matter of if, only when.

But as I say, the dangerous ones are already here. They come and go as they please. Our borders are pretty much wide open.
I suppose it's possible that I could be wrong but, I use lots of sources. If you have a recommendation to offer, I'd be glad to check it out.

Now, my most recent info on what's really going on in Iraq was this morning from my son who is actually in Iraq. I guess he could have lied but he has no affiliation with any news netwerk so he wouldn't qualify as a "newspuke".

I have friends serving there. I hear the same bad things that I see in the news, I also hear some good things that occur as well. We just rarely hear about the good things from our news media


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