Would you buy from this company (Salvo)

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I put it under the long hose...:D

Becasue he did what you declined to - talked to the shop owners. Instead you have chosen the path to openly bash the firm. And you would have all the rights to do so if you would talk to the owners, expressed your feelings and they would refuse to take any action.
Perrone did what you as offended person should have done. And for this I think you owe him a simple "thanks". Also because you are OP of this thread. Not u4ia.
As somebody wrote - Salvo did stupid thing, but reacted almost immediately. This shows ability to listen to customers which is a good thing not bad.

There is a difference between bashing and doing what piikki did. She asked if this ad would affect the buying habits of women who saw the ad either positively or negatively. It is not her job to consult for businesses for free. She asked for the opinion of other women and the impact this ad had on them. Every ad that every company places in any form of media will have an impact on their target market. Some ads do a great job and get people to purchase products, some are not memorable at all, and others turn us off. Asking how one responds or is inclined to respond to this ad is not bashing.

Each of us responds to advertisements everyday. I don't contact compaines that put out commercials that don't reach me and get me to purchase their product. I just respond to the ones that do.
Am I the only one that feels that Mania is bashing the OP because they don't see eye to eye on this subject? I believe it has carried over to the tread Leah started as well. I think it's inappropriate. I think she asked a very legitimate question and has taken quite a beating for it.
I was one of the first respondents...and I was offended by the ad.

Bravo to Salvo for reacting to the feedback so quickly. As TSandM said, the world is full of experiences...and I'm sure that Salvo "experienced" something with this.

Any business or person can make a mistake. (Yeah, I've been known to make WAY more than one...) The test comes AFTER the mistake with the way the mistake is handled.

This one was handled swiftly. As for a response or apology from the owner, I'm not sure that it's necessary. The "fix" was quick, which in itself was the response.

Ok, I'll dive with Salvo gear owners again. Whew...that was a close one!
Am I the only one that feels that Mania is bashing the OP because they don't see eye to eye on this subject? I believe it has carried over to the tread Leah started as well. I think it's inappropriate. I think she asked a very legitimate question and has taken quite a beating for it.
OP asked legitimate question - no discussion about it. She felt offended by the ad - she has the right. Her conclusion was - she would not buy from Salvo because of the ad. Also her right.
But what she didn't do and openly refused to - was contacting Salvo and expressing her feelings about the ad.

When I have something against a person/company I will tell this to this person/company openly. I will not talk about this person behind her back.

Grazie - for me the major problem is that OP did not react. She just posted the link to the ad, asked whether other women'd buy from this company and said she would not buy. The person that reacted, contacted Salvo and made them removing the ad was Perrone. So I being in the position of OP would thank Perrone for taking action. For sure she owes nothing to Salvo but to Perrone. Piikki only expressed her happiness that the ad was removed. But somebody did something to have this ad removed, right? Somebody spent some time to write an email, call the company and so on...
So why a simple "thank you" is so difficult?

OP asked legitimate question - no discussion about it. She felt offended by the ad - she has the right. Her conclusion was - she would not buy from Salvo because of the ad. Also her right.
But what she didn't do and openly refused to - was contacting Salvo and expressing her feelings about the ad.

When I have something against a person/company I will tell this to this person/company openly. I will not talk about this person behind her back.

Grazie - for me the major problem is that OP did not react. She just posted the link to the ad, asked whether other women'd buy from this company and said she would not buy. The person that reacted, contacted Salvo and made them removing the ad was Perrone. So I being in the position of OP would thank Perrone for taking action. For sure she owes nothing to Salvo but to Perrone. Piikki only expressed her happiness that the ad was removed. But somebody did something to have this ad removed, right? Somebody spent some time to write an email, call the company and so on...
So why a simple "thank you" is so difficult?

She owes nothing to Perrone either. She was sufficiently offended that she wanted nothing more to do with Salvo, that's her right. The rest of us, and Salvo, all owe Perrone ... but that's a different issue.
Am I the only one that feels that Mania is bashing the OP because they don't see eye to eye on this subject? I believe it has carried over to the tread Leah started as well. I think it's inappropriate. I think she asked a very legitimate question and has taken quite a beating for it.

No, I completey agree, Mania is taking very personal shots at the OP. I don't think it is appropriate for anyone to do and especially someone who is on the board staff.

I think this ad has divided people into a couple of groups

1 people offended by the ad
2 people not offended
3 people who don't care either way
4 people who are not offended and have no room for others to have a different opinion and think the people who are offended are horrible prudes who favor homelessness, child labor and are just horrible people in general
I suppose I should ad a sub category of number one for the offended
A offended and will alter buying habit
B offended but will not alter buying habits after company's quick response
What did we learn about Salvo during this incident

It appears not to have been a prank like many assumed but done based on conscious decision

Salvo acted very promptly after feedback from customers (thanks to Perrone and several others who I know acted immediately via phone and emails)

Salvo does not like to defend their position on the internet (which I personally find either positive nor negative because it definitely is a double-edged sword)

The few women who relied their experiences on face-to-face dealings with Salvo people have had absolutely no negative experiences on being treated like second class customers.

Most people won’t have this misstep affect their purchasing decisions. I assume majority of men won’t, majority of the few women who answered in this thread won’t. We do not know of those who did not dare to join in the conversation. I know of three people outside this board who told me they will let if affect. I am undecided yet. For me it was important the reaction from the company was swift, and I will wait to see will similar thing happen soon again. (I guess “luckily” my budget won’t allow those can lights right now. Although, I guess if I don’t go with Salvo I am outta luck for that big-mama 35W :wink: )

There never was an issue about the quality of the products in this thread. I leave out the assessment where the discussion has sunken because the last few posts have nicely addressed those problems.
There is one thing I disagree with piikki
I'm suprised Salvo didn't post here. I would post my apologies if I would be them.
After all everybody has the right to make mistakes but then should appologise.
Anything of this sort - "ups, we are sorry, we haven't thought of possible consequences, we won't do it again. And all ladies are more than welcome in our shop, and we are willing to make a special offer for you"
And I think they should send their apologies to piikki.

There is one thing I disagree with piikki
I'm suprised Salvo didn't post here. I would post my apologies if I would be them.
After all everybody has the right to make mistakes but then should appologise.
Anything of this sort - "ups, we are sorry, we haven't thought of possible consequences, we won't do it again. And all ladies are more than welcome in our shop, and we are willing to make a special offer for you"
And I think they should send their apologies to piikki.


but you were not offended and didn't see anything wrong with it and now you want them to contact piikki? If in your eyes they did nothing wrong --why write to piikki?

As for them coming on the board, that is their call. The need to decide how as a business they want to handle this. The could come on here and post or they could just do what they did and take the pic down or they could have left it. It is their business and they can run it how they want.

I as a consumer decide where and how to spend my $$$$ Each person decides what gets them ready to let go of cold hard cash. Some people buy in impulse or respond to ads others, do months of research, some buy on looks of the product or coolness of it other buy only on performance even if is the ugliest thing you ever saw. We all have things that go into our buying decisions and it differs for everyone.

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