Wishing I were somewhere warm...

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Thanks for the welcome. You are right, I shouldn't wait. But I will have to work up the courage to go into these cold waters. :(

Originally posted by Arduous
Hi SunshineFish:

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England.
Have fun, Dive Safe........................Arduous

PS: Don’t wait to go on vacation to go diving. Get in the water in your home state, it’s really not that cold :)

No courage is required, 7mm or dry is required.....:D (It's not that bad once you get in. However the Surface Intervals are cccooolllddd! :cold:
Trust me... it'll be fine in a few months...

Welcome to the board from a place where the water is even colder... You'll like it here!
with Walter and a group from the DiverLink, we were told by the Dive Master that there was only 15 minutes to get ready... As I felt the hot sun bear down on my bare shoulders, I looked at him and said... "You know it only takes 12 minutes to bake biscuits in an oven, don't you? I think I'll wait another ten minutes to suit up." Other than the mosquitoes, sharks and other biting critters, is there a down side to this state???
Welcome to the Board, from across the (cold) Hudson, in NJ.
While I used to dive locally, now: warm water only.
I understand the feeling of looking ahead to the next trip.
You're right, Bermuda jellyfish can be nasty. Have just barely avoided a few stings myself.
Good luck,and enjoy the Board,
Originally posted by Ontario Diver

No courage is required, 7mm or dry is required.....:D (It's not that bad once you get in. However the Surface Intervals are cccooolllddd! :cold:
Trust me... it'll be fine in a few months...
Ontario Diver,

My only experience with cold diving -> I had an opportunity to dive in San Diego (Mission Bay) last May and I jumped into it. I had to wear dive skin, 7mm with jacket, boots, gloves, hood. viz was 5-8 feet. Was in the water for about 30 minutes and when the DM asked if I wanted to go again? "Uh uh!" I think it was really the surface interval that did me in. I also kept thinking about the beautiful, clear, and warm waters of Bermuda (previous trip) and thinking - why I am doing this?

However, I may be in San Diego again this April....and I'd really like to dive the Yukon so I think I will try a dry suit this time around!
Heat I like, I was just pointing out that the temperatures are back where they should be, and that it's warm enough to get too hot in your wet suit... if it's not wet!
Originally posted by SunshineFish

Ontario Diver,

My only experience with cold diving -> I had an opportunity to dive in San Diego (Mission Bay) last May and I jumped into it. I had to wear dive skin, 7mm with jacket, boots, gloves, hood. viz was 5-8 feet. Was in the water for about 30 minutes and when the DM asked if I wanted to go again? "Uh uh!" I think it was really the surface interval that did me in. I also kept thinking about the beautiful, clear, and warm waters of Bermuda (previous trip) and thinking - why I am doing this?

However, I may be in San Diego again this April....and I'd really like to dive the Yukon so I think I will try a dry suit this time around!

One of the key issues about dealing with cold (hypothermia, cold exposure, frostbite, frostnip) is previous exposure and mental attitudes. (Ie. if you are used to the cold and enjoy/have survived it before, there is less cold-weather disorder in the exact same circumstances than someone who is uncomfortable.) I have done three dives (90', 90', and 40') in 42F water in one dive series. I was fine until the last dive. Oh and I was diving wet 7mm 3/2, full hood, and 5mm gloves.

Believe it or not, you do get used to it. But I find that if the viz is bad, or it is dark - I feel the cold more.

Have you used a dry suit before? If you haven't, I'd highly recommend a few confined water dives with an instructor first. It isn't like a wet suit. Lots of new issues to worry about.

I dive wet but my fav buddy dives dry...I'm thinking about doing the PADI course just to be better able to help out in an emergency. (Not like that ever happens..eh!)

But hey, the water is warm up here! C'mon up and let's go ... in a few months.
O D - Thanks for the dry suit advice - I will look into taking a class before making any real dives.

S :)

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