Wishing I were somewhere warm...

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Reaction score
Dubai, UAE
# of dives
50 - 99
Hello everyone!

Stumbled onto this board accidentily and am really glad I did - seems to be a wealth of resources here.

Tavi suggested I intro myself sooooo.....am from NYC, lived in Flordia for 4 years but alas, didn't dive tho I was a Marine Bio major. Sad, sad, I know. Opportunity lost. Just got back from my first real dive vacation since certification last September. Had a blast! Already researching locales for next dive vacation - I am thinking the Caymans! Also looking into buying my first set of gear - just waiting for the cash flow to come in. Currently a Padi AOW diver. And I am a slow ear clearer so if you ever see someone floating at 10 feet of water for what seems like a very long time - that's me!!

Sunshine :wink: -> with nice tan from vacation if I do say so myself
Glad to have you aboard. I am sure you will enjoy the board and we will enjoy reading your post. Don't be shy jump right in.

It's good to hear a little more about you. I enjoy hearing about other divers vacations! My wife and I are always planning. We were just invited to do a week on a liveaboard in the Exumas! (don't know yet if we can swing it) I've heard it is beautiful there, above and below the waves.
My wife was a slow ear clearer. Our last few dives she was at the bottom before me, so that is something that may change with time and/or experience.

See you 'round the boards. :)
Welcome to one other warm spot and just how do you think ARIZONA got all that beach :)

yeah on my last dive trip I was with a buddy that was slow to clear, I was rewarded with jellyfish stings....
Ooh, ouch, some reward huh? Was stung in Bermuda a few times - not pleasant.


Originally posted by Fishkiller
Welcome to one other warm spot and just how do you think ARIZONA got all that beach :)

yeah on my last dive trip I was with a buddy that was slow to clear, I was rewarded with jellyfish stings....
Originally posted by Tavi
It's good to hear a little more about you. I enjoy hearing about other divers vacations! My wife and I are always planning. We were just invited to do a week on a liveaboard in the Exumas! (don't know yet if we can swing it) I've heard it is beautiful there, above and below the waves.
My wife was a slow ear clearer. Our last few dives she was at the bottom before me, so that is something that may change with time and/or experience.

See you 'round the boards. :)

Hope for my ear problem, that is!

Where are the Exumas? I spent New Year's in Curacao getting my sea legs, or maybe a better term is fish fins <ha ha :D >. Weather and water was great and so was the diving. I pretty much dove by myself (the DMs always kept me in sight) since my friend ditched me. I think if I go to the Caymans, I would like to do a liveaboard since I've already done the land thing there. Not that I remember any of it, but still.
Hi SunshineFish:

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England.
Have fun, Dive Safe........................Arduous

PS: Don’t wait to go on vacation to go diving. Get in the water in your home state, it’s really not that cold :)
The Exumas are a part of the chain of Islands that make up the Bahamas and the Turks. I think its in the Bahamas part. A lot of the boaters we talked to in Grand Bahama spent their summer there. They all talked about how beautiful it was.

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