With our without a scooter? My original plan was to do it as a swim and pretend it was a hard overhead (i.e. a cave). It appeared that swimming, the bottom time (i.e. in the river bed) would be about 15-20 minutes with a very slow assent on the other side.
Deco would be pretty severe (1.5 hours plus). I hadn't got to the point where I had simulated it, but I do have topo maps of the lake area so I have a good guess at the profile... By the time we actually go to doing the traverse we would have a bunch of experience from putting in the lines to know the profile, and where to put safety bottles.
My plan was/is to stage bottles on the far side of the lake along the line to continue the deco on the way up. We would also have a surface chase boat following the divers bubbles in case an emergency assent in open water was needed. I also wanted to have at least a few other divers hit the water on the other end and head the other direction as safety divers.