I hate to sound mean, I'm really not, but I dont like to sugarcoat things. Give you an example, this girl at my job got her hair cut the other day...it was short and I thought it wasnt the best look for her.....she asked me if I liked it and I said no. She didnt really like that answer, but it was my honest answer. People dont like when your honest with them. I could have given her the token, yes I like it answer.
The world I am familiar with is idealistic, selfish, and very unforgiving to anyone who speaks the truth if the truth is not something they want to hear. I did donate $300.00 to a Childrens Hospital last year, but it was part of a raffle to win $40,000.....I subsequently get upteen mailings from them every other week asking for more of my money...which I promptly toss out without reading. You dont like to hear that do you? I also dont believe in god, which many people would say that is part of my problem, but I think it is one of my stronger assets as I am being honest with myself. Many people feel the way I do, but are afraid to speak up or be honest as they are too worried about what others think about them.
While I'm rambling, let me tie in a Scuba related example for ya, you know...since this is a Scubaboard and all...hehe I went through a pretty uneventful Divemaster course, got my cert card and then got into a little dispute with my instructor who is well liked and respected in the area. He voiced his concern over my equipment choice, as far as being a DM for his shop, I didnt agree as my equipment is what I wear..blah blah blah.....me no DM with him. Jason no become instructor, Jason dont want to DM no more, Jason says not worth the politics, Jason dont help students, Jason = selfish!! Jason does have his own self-respect though.

By the way, now is a good time to apologize to the poor moderator who has to pain-stakingly read all of this to ensure I am being a good little scubaboarder...I'm trying my best Mr or Mrs Moderator, please dont SPANK me too hard, unless you really mean it.
Ok, let me wrap it up by saying the world will never become a 'better' place. That is just an idealistc viewpoint and not to mention an opinionated one at that from an individuals perspective. We all view the world differently and it is based on what we see and hear everyday with our own interactions, but also what we see, hear and read on TV, radio, and the newspapers. Some lady finds and returns my wallet with all the money in it...all 5 dollars, did she make the world a better place....NO, did she do a nice deed YES, I thanked her and then I made her feel bad because I accused her of taking money from my wallet....she promptly paid me back for the money she took...I made a hundred dollars off of her because I threatened to call the police. Now that is my idea of a better world! By the way, that never happened, even after I threatened to call the police she still didnt fall for the scam....women!!!
Ohh by the way,
Merry X-MAS everyone. May you spend time with your loved ones because you'll never know when you or they wont be around anymore to give gifts.