Will you leave the World a better place?

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People who have changed the world: Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Napoleon Bonparte...sometime change is NOT a good thing.

You left out Stalin.:rolleyes:

But Come on now...I said how are you going to make it a BETTER place not who has screwed it up.

I had hoped to hear about reef conservation products, aids orphins in africa, worthy charities and the like but maybe people are just too busy at the malls right now to stop and reflect.

I loved everybody elses answers thoiugh keep em coming.
I often think about what I am doing to make the world a better place, even if it is just one person at a time. Currently I am involved with Dive Rescue, and am just putting some final touches on a huge toy drive I organized for Christmas. Other then that I just try to do small things every day.... open doors, give hugs, smile at someone that looks unhappy... things like that. It may not make a huge difference, but you have to start somewhere! Have a very Merry Christmas everyone....

I hate to sound mean, I'm really not, but I dont like to sugarcoat things. Give you an example, this girl at my job got her hair cut the other day...it was short and I thought it wasnt the best look for her.....she asked me if I liked it and I said no. She didnt really like that answer, but it was my honest answer. People dont like when your honest with them. I could have given her the token, yes I like it answer.

The world I am familiar with is idealistic, selfish, and very unforgiving to anyone who speaks the truth if the truth is not something they want to hear. I did donate $300.00 to a Childrens Hospital last year, but it was part of a raffle to win $40,000.....I subsequently get upteen mailings from them every other week asking for more of my money...which I promptly toss out without reading. You dont like to hear that do you? I also dont believe in god, which many people would say that is part of my problem, but I think it is one of my stronger assets as I am being honest with myself. Many people feel the way I do, but are afraid to speak up or be honest as they are too worried about what others think about them.

While I'm rambling, let me tie in a Scuba related example for ya, you know...since this is a Scubaboard and all...hehe I went through a pretty uneventful Divemaster course, got my cert card and then got into a little dispute with my instructor who is well liked and respected in the area. He voiced his concern over my equipment choice, as far as being a DM for his shop, I didnt agree as my equipment is what I wear..blah blah blah.....me no DM with him. Jason no become instructor, Jason dont want to DM no more, Jason says not worth the politics, Jason dont help students, Jason = selfish!! Jason does have his own self-respect though. :) By the way, now is a good time to apologize to the poor moderator who has to pain-stakingly read all of this to ensure I am being a good little scubaboarder...I'm trying my best Mr or Mrs Moderator, please dont SPANK me too hard, unless you really mean it. ;)

Ok, let me wrap it up by saying the world will never become a 'better' place. That is just an idealistc viewpoint and not to mention an opinionated one at that from an individuals perspective. We all view the world differently and it is based on what we see and hear everyday with our own interactions, but also what we see, hear and read on TV, radio, and the newspapers. Some lady finds and returns my wallet with all the money in it...all 5 dollars, did she make the world a better place....NO, did she do a nice deed YES, I thanked her and then I made her feel bad because I accused her of taking money from my wallet....she promptly paid me back for the money she took...I made a hundred dollars off of her because I threatened to call the police. Now that is my idea of a better world! By the way, that never happened, even after I threatened to call the police she still didnt fall for the scam....women!!! ;)

Ohh by the way,

Merry X-MAS everyone. May you spend time with your loved ones because you'll never know when you or they wont be around anymore to give gifts.
I hate to sound mean, I'm really not......Merry X-MAS everyone. May you spend time with your loved ones because you'll never know when you or they wont be around anymore to give gifts.

No your not sounding mean... you sound like something else and you have done a great job of showing everyone what that is.

Twenty something and sick of life...too bad for you....

I would ask to have your comments pulled from this thread, but I think they are better left for others to see why the world needs help to become a better place as some people are only takers...
I hate to sound mean, I'm really not, but I dont like to sugarcoat things. Give you an example, this girl at my job got her hair cut the other day...it was short and I thought it wasnt the best look for her.....she asked me if I liked it and I said no. She didnt really like that answer, but it was my honest answer. People dont like when your honest with them. I could have given her the token, yes I like it answer.

There is a difference between sugar coating and tact. Anyone who knows me knows that I wont sugar coat anything, you'll get the straight shot every time, so they are careful how a question is asked. I can tell you without a doubt, if you really act as your post portrays, you must be a very sour person indeed and others must truely loath to be in your company.

Curbing back to the point of the post... Perhaps the wording triggered the wrong response, lets try "what are you doing to make the best of your time on earth?" and for grins, lets run with the variables that this can only be kept in relation to existance as a sentiant biped.

I'll refer back to my post - I just try my best to do good to others.. When I'm in a bad mood I don't share it, when I'm in a good mood I pass on the infectious smile and cheer. My son at 10 months is learning this from my wife and I and thats how I am making my mark for the better on the world.
LOL...thanks for the Xmas cheer Jep.. Keep it real in 04..
I hate to sound mean, I'm really not, but I dont like to sugarcoat things. Give you an example, this girl at my job got her hair cut the other day...it was short and I thought it wasnt the best look for her.....she asked me if I liked it and I said no. She didnt really like that answer, but it was my honest answer. People dont like when your honest with them. I could have given her the token, yes I like it answer.

The world I am familiar with is idealistic, selfish, and very unforgiving to anyone who speaks the truth if the truth is not something they want to hear. I did donate $300.00 to a Childrens Hospital last year, but it was part of a raffle to win $40,000.....I subsequently get upteen mailings from them every other week asking for more of my money...which I promptly toss out without reading. You dont like to hear that do you? I also dont believe in god, which many people would say that is part of my problem, but I think it is one of my stronger assets as I am being honest with myself. Many people feel the way I do, but are afraid to speak up or be honest as they are too worried about what others think about them.

While I'm rambling, let me tie in a Scuba related example for ya, you know...since this is a Scubaboard and all...hehe I went through a pretty uneventful Divemaster course, got my cert card and then got into a little dispute with my instructor who is well liked and respected in the area. He voiced his concern over my equipment choice, as far as being a DM for his shop, I didnt agree as my equipment is what I wear..blah blah blah.....me no DM with him. Jason no become instructor, Jason dont want to DM no more, Jason says not worth the politics, Jason dont help students, Jason = selfish!! Jason does have his own self-respect though. :) By the way, now is a good time to apologize to the poor moderator who has to pain-stakingly read all of this to ensure I am being a good little scubaboarder...I'm trying my best Mr or Mrs Moderator, please dont SPANK me too hard, unless you really mean it. ;)

Ok, let me wrap it up by saying the world will never become a 'better' place. That is just an idealistc viewpoint and not to mention an opinionated one at that from an individuals perspective. We all view the world differently and it is based on what we see and hear everyday with our own interactions, but also what we see, hear and read on TV, radio, and the newspapers. Some lady finds and returns my wallet with all the money in it...all 5 dollars, did she make the world a better place....NO, did she do a nice deed YES, I thanked her and then I made her feel bad because I accused her of taking money from my wallet....she promptly paid me back for the money she took...I made a hundred dollars off of her because I threatened to call the police. Now that is my idea of a better world! By the way, that never happened, even after I threatened to call the police she still didnt fall for the scam....women!!! ;)

Ohh by the way,

Merry X-MAS everyone. May you spend time with your loved ones because you'll never know when you or they wont be around anymore to give gifts.

and I thought that I was a cynic. Yes, the world is full of selfish people (most people at one time or much of the time), but even small things do count. You can't put energy into a system and not get something back out of it. It may frequently happen so that you don't see the connection but it's there none the less.

So, remember that every act of kindness you perform is always rewarded. Sometimes that reward is nothing more than a smile and a thank you. Sometimes the reward is seeing someone else benefit from something you did or helped to do anonomously.

Given what I've said above I'm still a cynic but one who believes that the only actions I can control are my own. I refuse to fall into the trap that if everyone around me is bad I have to be that way as well.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New-Year
I think its ignorant to believe your kindness will come back. Yes....if you are kind it is bound to come back eventually, but to expect that defeats the purpose of your generosity. Selfless giving is what its about. I give and I am kind because it makes me feel good. I do not expect anything in return.

I can honestly say that i have way too many negative situations in my life right now...but if i focus on them....it will not help. I keep giving to others knowing I did my part. Whether or not I am sinking personally ...no one really cares. I got a letter from a church I belonged to telling me to donate and attend or I will be "not recognized as a member" Had anyone called to see how I was..that my dad has luekemia, i am in a custody battle for my children, that my children have health problems and i am having a difficult time in my life? NO...but also i did not ask for help either. I'll fake it until I make it...until I am healed...from within.

If i died tomorrow i know i gave the most I can to this world. I am selfish..but am generous as well. I get one life and I am going to make the best of it. I look to better myself each day...and that is what I can do for now.

I don't need to be "saved" or "blessed"...religion is not my bag of tricks. God is also an issue I have....but thats another thread alltogether.

I truly wish the best to all. I am greatful for what I have acheived in my life. It was not given, nor what it luck or a blessing from above. And I am sure the sames goes for us all.
There are many, many ways we can make the world a more tolerable place for everyone. Not being a poop is one of them. Jep, you're a poop or at least acting like on with your post. Everyone has had hard times. Don't let those hard times make you so cynical.

Me, I've helped my wife raise two very good young people that are now adults. They don't always do what I would like, but they are good people. What more can you ask for?

I was an adult leader in Boy Scouts for a long time. I helped young people become adults and in doing so we all had a lot of fun along the way. I also trained adult leaders to pass on what will continue to help make the world a better place. How do I know? I've had more than one young man come up to me and tell me how my being there once helped them decide to not do something that may have caused them to go down a path that would have just been bad.

I give blood whenever I can. I support causes that help make the world better for those less fortunate than I. Can I do more? Yes, and I will. Can you (everyone out there) do more? Yes, and you should.

I have found that in giving of myself, I have had much more returned than I could have ever imagined.

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