I'm not going to say the number of COVID-19 cases on the island is zero - full stop.We aren't seeing cases because Mexico is doing very little testing. I agree with Jen that there are most likely a large number of unreported/uncomfirmed case in Cozumel. I would equate this situation to a diver making one dive at Palancar, not seeing any lion fish and then declaring the park lion fish free.
Mexico could become the new Italy of coronavirus — or worse
However, if, as you surmise, there are a, "large number of unreported/uncomfirmed [sic] case [sic] in Cozumel", why are we not hearing reports of illness? It seems very unlikely that such news would not spread quickly. If you accept my premise, that suggests three possibilities (1) there are very few cases on the island currently, (2) there are the large number of cases in your premise but they have not presented yet, which seems unlikely with a ~5 day incubation period, or (3) all the cases are of the mild / asymptomatic variety; also unlikely.
"Tens of thousands" of Cozumeleños are not attending concerts here. It's been a couple of weeks since the cruise ships stopped coming, and the number of tourists is dwindling fast. Extrapolating what's happening in Mexico City and projecting that onto Cozumel doesn't seem terribly useful.
I have little doubt that COVID-19 will arrive on Cozumel and that a large number of people will ultimately be affected. Let's just take the proper precautions until then and not rush it, OK? Mexico City may not be able to flatten their curve, but I'm hoping that little Cozumel can.