This thread got me curious what exactly what is the difference between ice-cream with gelato ?
After a quick search on google I came up with:
Ice cream legally has a minimum of 10 percent fat, gelato is made with a greater proportion of whole milk to cream, so it contains more like five to seven percent fat.
Also gelato is churned at a slower speed than ice cream, so it's denser because not as much air is whipped into the mixture. (Gelato contains about 25 to 30 percent air, while ice cream can contain as much as 50 percent air) Finally, while ice cream is typically served frozen, gelato is typically stored and served at a slightly warmer temperature, so it's not quite completely frozen.
I also like the Frozen Yogurt at Yummy Yo. Prices at 75php, 95php and 130php for the original flavor. 80php, 100php and 135php for the green tea flavor and 90php, 110php and 145 for the fruit flavored yogurt with real fruit bits.