Even though you're positive with empty tanks your tanks are still negative by themselves, you just wear a weight belt to make yourself more negative. All your weight is neither on the tanks or on you therefore if you seperate yourself from the tanks you will indeed still be positive. Let's break it down using 130s as an example:
130's - -2lbs each empty
regs- -4
BP AL or SS (-2 to -6)
Bands/manifold -5
Can light -3
That makes -18 to -22 depending on what your plate is made of.
Personally my undergarmets are 25lbs positive in the drysuit alone. I wear an additional 4lbs in a tailweight to remain neutral at the end of the dive. Does this make sense?
I'm sure you know this, I'm at work and I'm tired and I think I read the previous couple posts wrong. Sorry if this is useless, hopefully it'll at least help someone else
As I said, I'v not actually done this (& it'll be a desperate day that I try), so you may be right.
As I dive temperate waters I doubt my undies are even half as buoyant as yours though. I also use different size & make of tanks. I have 9lb on my weight belt.
Actually, now that I'm more comfortable diving dry I want to recheck my weighting in the near future. I think I may try an experiment.