We spend a fair amount of time entertaining your questions irrespective of the fact that you've made it clear for some period of time that for a wide variety of reasons you will not take a GUE class, so I think it's only fair that you finally answer a few questions. Accordingly, one must really ask why you invest so heavily your time trolling in a DIR Forum? You won't take the training, you seem to have all the answers, so why do you care one but how, what or why we teach?? I don't mind spending time answering questions, but my sense is that you have motives that are suspect.
I've answered these questions more than once for you Mike, but I'll do it again since you asked here, and to my knowledge it hasn't been asked in this forum of me.
First, I am not "trolling." My questions are legitimate and they are intended to illuminate the basis, to which it exists, for the postulates advanced. "DIR" is not the only place that I advance such questions and pierce postulates, as a quick read here and elsewhere will show.
As for my unwillingness to take a GUE class, I have explained my reasons to this point as well. They are, almost singularly, related to the current unwillingness to debate the points on the table when DIR/GUE principles come to the fore and have an open, honest discussion of the postulates advanced.
Instead, when such questions are raised, the answer is to hurl insults, call names, refuse to answer and simply restate the postulate, none of which actually answers the question, or alternatively, tell the querant that such questions will be answered in the class and if you're not willing to pony up just shut up and go away. Indeed, more than once exactly that demand has been made.
The problem with the latter is that GUE is in the forefront in saying that one of the ways to evaluate a potential class and instructor is to ask lots of questions
before one takes the class! So from where I sit, this is just talking out both sides of one's mouth - and frankly, having taking classes from more than one agency and finding all of them to be "gateways" and "card selling" to some degree as opposed to real learning experiences, I remain skeptical. (I don't mind buying cards so long as I know that's what I'm doing going in - its when I think I'm not that it pizzes me off!)
Further, my former experience with cult mechanics has well-braced me for such tactics, and trips one of my "BS Meters". One of the first principles of those dynamics is that any who question are to be attacked, denigated and told to go play somewhere else - in short, "don't impugn our purity." That works for religion, but it seems to be darn poor form in any concern like diving.
The very attitude I am talking about is displayed in your post right here that I quoted, and in DD's just prior. Indeed, it is reasonable to wonder if there are sockpuppets at play, given the amazing confluence and accusations hurled around. Why would I not assume that such a person's motives are not connected? Their actions certainly are!
If you actually saw me kit up for a dive, Mike, you'd probably think that I looked an awful lot like a DIR diver. I'll freely admit that I will likely
never subscribe to the "DIR creed", in that I will always do things that DIR proscribes, most particularly diving solo. But I do dive a wing and plate, long hose, bungied backup and, most of the time, a can light. Much of what has been rebranded "DIR" from the roots of Bill Main's efforts is a part of my chosen way of diving.
I do not claim to have "all the answers", or indeed, even a good percentage of them when it comes to diving. Indeed, learning is an ongoing process; I will cease doing so only when I assume room temperature, which I hope is a long time in coming.
However, if GUE as an agency wishes to sell me some of those answers in the form of instruction then IMHO they darn well ought to entertain the debate over exactly what they're selling - and the logic behind it -
prior to taking my money.
After all, does not GUE advocate that one interview, in depth, potential instructors and look closely at class content
before plunking down money?
That's what's going on here - and answering with insults and telling people to "go away" and "go play in rec.scuba" doesn't go very far towards convincing anyone. As for the repeated offer you've made of "call me", both here and elsewhere to many, I prefer to conduct this in public. After all, there are many people who are considering further training - not just one. Should they not all have the benefit of being spectators in such a debate, and be able to judge for themselves whether or not the questions posed and the answers offered make sense? Why should not someone who is thinking of such a class, but has not thought through the questions being asked, be deprived of the discussion? If this is a discussion forum for DIR-style diving, and inherently includes some advocacy of that style, is it not only reasonable for the debate to take place in public, along with the advocacy?
I think so.
Thus far, I remain skeptical.
I can be convinced, but it takes more than insults and accusations.