Why our Dive Industry does not get too much exposure in North America?

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BabyD, no offense meant, but i also understood it the way Simon did. when you said "PPD's", its PPDs as in PPDs here in SB. it wasn't really clear in your statement you meant something else.


and come on, can we not agree to argue? :D
Just pay your taxes and us foreigners will show your LGU's how to fix the problem since the citizens don't give two rips.........
babyD, come on, just because Filipinos here refuse to participate in this discussion and would rather talk about Mickey's dragon lady or Kuya Caloi's hot officemates, it doesn't indicate they (or we) don't give a fecking damn about that.

btw, when was the last time you dove to take out garbage underwater? cause most of these PPDs have in the past years...do they brag about it online? nope.

chill, babyD. :) its a wonderful world.
New Years Day we were picking up trash at 28 meters......nobody is bragging here. The apathy towards the garbage and sewer waste is sickening. Most tourists comment on the "filth" they see when traveling through the city. Is that something to be proud of?
No.. but remember, this problem is hardly restricted to 3rd world nations. Just look at Naples (I think it's Naples with the garbage strike right now) or Venice... Everyone needs to make an effort in their own backyard.
1st world, 3rd world ...who gives a rip.....it's OUR world we're talking about
The "we" is those of us that live and dive in the Philippines (businesses and individuals). No one ever said it was PPD's responsibility. Next time, make sure you fully understand something before you spinning off and running at the mouth. Again, since you don't know about our efforts it would have better to not post anything, sit back and let the adults talk.

You insinuated it was the PPDs responsibility here, but that is just semantics. Why would an individual be obligated to promote tourism?:

PPD'ers - See what I mean.....we are not doing a good of selling our product

I appreciate that you missed 'job' out, but i attribute that to you being a dumbass rather than a tactical grammar play.

Agreed, i do not know about your efforts, but trying to get the ppd to do your marketing is just lame. They go to locally run, good diveshops in Anilao etc and there is a thriving diving economy supported solely on the pesos of Manilla-ites that you see posting on here. Why the hell should they want a bunch more foreigners coming there and diving on their sites? As Jag alluded to earlier, he couldn't really care less if no Americans want to come, it doesn't affect his enjoyment of his dives does it?

Sure building more big resorts like Atlantis brings in more tourist dollars,which in turn employs more locals which hopefully eases fishing pressure in diving areas, however another el nino event or some such like may well happen before we see the fruits of that line of thought. But as Matt has said, the purpose of his business is to make money whilst trying to do the best they can in their local community. Will BabyD ever admit he's building a resort to make money? I doubt it, he enjoys playing the ecological cruisader too much...

Your efforts on a environmental level are very interesting and admirable but will you also treat water from your neighbouring community? Help and educate local communities to deal with their waste problems? I hope so, and if you're not planning on it, it might be a good idea to do so.

For the record i think it's great that you are trying to make a difference- and i respect that, and i think it's great that you consult with the PPD, too. But your controlling nature on the threads gets a little tiresome, and from the pm's i get after teasing you i'm not the only one that thinks so. I encourage to to continue seeking feedback wherever you can, but maybe just mellow out a bit ad accept that you are going to get some criticism. Why if someone disagrees with you do you become insulting and tell them to not post anymore?


I actually first went to the Philippines in 99 to research some of the stuff were talking about here, so whilst i don't know everything (which you CLEARLY do) i do know a fair bit.

I took Caloy's comment as sarcasm, of course the trash is all of our problem. I am 100% sure he is baiting the thread! I mean he economizes on his plastic waste by not shaving and growing that silly little beard. :mooner:
oh simon!!!! :kiss:


no meaning, whatsoever. its just a freaking funny emoticon.
Excellent:D So now the biggest thread ever about how to generate more business in the PI has sewage out of control, "dancing girls", lack of government and local population concern to eco problems, and the divers who like diving there can't even all get along...

We are creating great visibility for the PI non? Can we just have another (UW)photo thread? cue Dennis...

At least its not as bad as those pictures of Simon in a dress destroying the Bali dive tourism and turning it into drag central...Mikey where's those pics?

BabyD is that a promise that you're going to advertise on SB?


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