Why our Dive Industry does not get too much exposure in North America?

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stop trying to flatter LIS. She's not going to be your sugar mommy....:mooner:
she hooked me up with my own sugar mommy.. :D
PPD'ers - See what I mean.....we are not doing a good of selling our product

But is it he responsibilty of the ppd? Is it their product? I think everyone but you and Matt have other jobs and gain no financial reward for doing it, so it is your product not theirs. They are merely cheerleaders to your cause, you guys with resorts need to be making the big moves, not them.

It's all well and good saying the ppd need to advertise 'Diving in the Philippines,' but have you tried to get a banner ad on SB for your up and coming resort? I can't think of any reason for them to sell your product if you aren't prepared to lead the way. Afterall you're going to be the only one making financial gains from it.
and that garbage thing ain't my problem.

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

you can still get good sunset shot from Roxas Boulevard! :rofl2:
That garbage is "everyone's problem". Hopefully your kids will have an ocean to dive. Since you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to where we make our money and how we are a PHIL-AM company spending it to better our little piece of the Philippines....then i reckon you might want to just do your part to fix your part of your world. As for advertising on SB....well, when we have something advertise, you will see our adverts everywhere. It is that lack of caring attitude that has turned the waterways within Manila into sewer pipes, the unregulated construction that has gone on too long, and simply not enough Pinoys speaking up saying that enough is enough. I guess it is a good thing that foreigners have to come in and FIX things....maybe we'll show the way so others can follow. I do not understand the lack of caring attitude from divers....I just don't get it.
The "we" is those of us that live and dive in the Philippines (businesses and individuals). No one ever said it was PPD's responsibility. Next time, make sure you fully understand something before you spinning off and running at the mouth. Again, since you don't know about our efforts it would have better to not post anything, sit back and let the adults talk.

But is it he responsibilty of the ppd? Is it their product? I think everyone but you and Matt have other jobs and gain no financial reward for doing it, so it is your product not theirs. They are merely cheerleaders to your cause, you guys with resorts need to be making the big moves, not them.

It's all well and good saying the ppd need to advertise 'Diving in the Philippines,' but have you tried to get a banner ad on SB for your up and coming resort? I can't think of any reason for them to sell your product if you aren't prepared to lead the way. Afterall you're going to be the only one making financial gains from it.

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