I think a big thing that lets the PI down is having to fly into Manila, those going to Indonesia can fly into Bali and be in a nice quiet resort within a 20 minute drive, or Singapore and then get connecting flights to Lembeh or wherever. Manila Airport (is teh new one open yet?)is a pain in the ass and the traffic is terrible, i LOVE the EDSA! hahaha
I really like the Philippines and try to go once a year, but i think for the average diving tourist from the US (i've dealt with literally 1000's of them on liveaboards) there are few things that may make them choose to dive elsewhere. I shall mostly compare Indo to PI here:
1. Lack of good info about how to get around the islands. It's a big place and i know a bit about it, but I couldn't show you where Donsol/Boracay/Malapascua is on a map or have a clue how to get there, whereas i know where Lembeh is and that Silk air fly direct from Singapore etc. I haven't been to any of those locations.
2. Misinformation by the US government. Ooh, terrorists, im not going.
3. I think only Atlantis and Explorer Fleet have US representatives. Fact is that 'westerners' don't like sending Credit Card details to '3rd World' Indonesia or PI, however, many tour companies that deal Indo Dive ops are based in the US so people feel much more secure paying within the US so they have some recourse should everything go wrong. Most of the bookings for diving in Indonesia seem to come through agents...
4. This one might seem a little random, but Indonesia has a Peter Hughes, and an Aggressor; both trusted by Americans, they add credibility to a location, then add to that the big companies like Kararu and Seven Seas etc. Compare that to Explorer fleet and their reef crashing habits... (had to get the dig in somewhere

) There are other liveaboards in the PI, but i don't know their names (due to lack of advertising). Oh, and Americans love liveaboards, and they often stay around for a week after their trip. Lots of Americans going to Bali do so after a week on a boat in Komodo, Sulawesi etc.
5. We may go out for a giggle in PG and not feel perturbed by the amount of girls in and around the bars, but could you imagine going there on a family dive trip without knowing in advance? It's that kind of negative publicity via word of mouth that must hurt the nation as a whole. If you stay in the Big 3 resorts (asia divers, atlantis, La Laguna) there i doubt you'll notice it too much, but try to save a bit of cash and stay in Sabang you might be in for a shock. This is not indicative of the Philippines as a whole, but if i booked 2 weeks in the PI with a typical English/American girlfriend and spent the whole time in PG, i wouldn't be allowed back (well, not with her anyway

). I love PG and the diving, but couldn't imagine taking my folks there to go diving - and they love the Philippines. Girlie bars are everywhere in Asia and the world, it is just that in some places they are more hidden and low key.
6. '
All the reefs in the Philippines are in poor condition due to el nino, dynamite, cyanide etc' Simply not true, but so many people say it who have never been there, just repeating hearsay. However, the dive ops among you need to stop using anchors at divesites if you still do, it will kill the reef very quickly, especially in Anilao.
7. Do any of the US airlines fly direct to Manila? From my memory i believe hearing a lot of complaints about how hard it was to get to DEMA from the PI.
8. Americans love their airmiles and are very loyal to them. For example if they have a continental airmiles account they will choose their holiday by where the airline flies to, continental fly to Bali via Guam.
I hope it doesnt come across as Pinoy bashing as i love the PI, and you guys from the PPD, but it's just some of my thoughts on the matter having lived for a short while in both countries.
Oh, and i'm not trying to generalise anything about Americans, i like them too!