Well I wouldn't blame the current condition of Manila Bay on backpackers
I posted that photo partly in jest, but it does touch on what I think Maggie is trying to convey - that it's easy for those of us from developed countries to lecture on what needs to be done to make a country green, but we tend to forget that a lot of developing countries are struggling with just the pollution created by their own rapidly increasing population. In a country where a majority of its denizens are still under poverty, forget about expensive recycling plants, sewer system, alternative fules, etc... These people are just trying to make ends meet, some fresh drinking water,and some food on the table for their families.
That being said, I applaud those who are taking their own green initiative when building their resorts/ businesses and I think there will be enough environmentally conscious tourists to reward their efforts. At some point, those other businesses who have the "bahala na" attitude towards all this will find it will bite them right on the arse in future... It seems we keep hearing more and more about questionable water quality in Boracay and even Sabang Bay from the excessive development and lack of sewage planning. At some point, if unchecked, they're going to find their guests aren't coming back...

I posted that photo partly in jest, but it does touch on what I think Maggie is trying to convey - that it's easy for those of us from developed countries to lecture on what needs to be done to make a country green, but we tend to forget that a lot of developing countries are struggling with just the pollution created by their own rapidly increasing population. In a country where a majority of its denizens are still under poverty, forget about expensive recycling plants, sewer system, alternative fules, etc... These people are just trying to make ends meet, some fresh drinking water,and some food on the table for their families.
That being said, I applaud those who are taking their own green initiative when building their resorts/ businesses and I think there will be enough environmentally conscious tourists to reward their efforts. At some point, those other businesses who have the "bahala na" attitude towards all this will find it will bite them right on the arse in future... It seems we keep hearing more and more about questionable water quality in Boracay and even Sabang Bay from the excessive development and lack of sewage planning. At some point, if unchecked, they're going to find their guests aren't coming back...