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How many of them had to travel 6-12 hours to get there?

I think that 3-4 hours is the max travel time in my area and this would be the folks who live in small towns with no LDS. I do believe the lack of a LDS structure is a major problem with this course.
Yea, but you're too far away. Can you hire a few dozen more instructors so I don't have to travel? Price is great though. Let's leave that.
Where's your cube? I'll see what I can do about a referral in your area.
Rick Murchison:
Classroom - 12-18 hrs. Typically right at 15 hours.
Pool 4 hours in two sessions with more pool time encouraged
OW - minimum one full day of practice without instructor; more encouraged
With instructor, four OW evaluation dives - two basic skills evaluations, two deep (100-130') with minimum (simulated if necessary) 10 minute deco.

Rick, Is this combined Advanced Nitrox plus Deco Procedures curriculum ?
Rick Murchison:
My Advanced Nitrox course is spread over six weeks, with plenty of practice time for in-water skills both formally scheduled and informally encouraged. In addition to far more academics, the exit skills competence in such things as buoyancy control, trim, teamwork, equipment handling, etc are at least as tight as what I've seen from both DIR-F grads and 5th-D videos. The price - $250.
Standing by for the next objection... :D

What a bargain! I wish I had known about this course. I traveled to take mine which was more expensive, lasted 3 days, and I wasn't nearly as prepared when I completed the course.
The cube is currently re-fueling and assimilating. Due east 5 hours.
I wasn't trying to suggest that they were similar, just that they would have cost me about the same and I was choosing between the two because on that particular trip I only had time and money for one scuba course. Similarly, I'm sure others are choosing between DIRF and other courses when deciding what scuba course to take next.

I think you might have hit a point there. Since DIR-F is essentially a "remedial" class for stuff that probably should be taught elsewhere but isn't, I can see a lot of people saying "well, what does it give me" and not really seeing the value of it.
Rick, the course you offer is obviously a hell of a value.

I think it's safe to say that six week Advanced Nitrox courses with 40+ hours of instruction for $250 are neither common nor standard. If I could I think you would have an excellent point. I cannot imagine you make any more than a pittance, if anything at all, on this course. Are you affiliated with a dive shop or charter operation that intends to make profits off these students?

One of the great things about DIRF is its standardization. You can go to any instructor within GUE and, for approximately the same price, be basically guaranteed the same level of instruction and the same information as everyone else.
By petrol based, land vehicle, operated at lawful speeds.
Rick, Is this combined Advanced Nitrox plus Deco Procedures curriculum ?
It's just called "Advanced Nitrox" (mine is an "individual specialty" under SSI) but it includes deco procedures. Actual deco is not required to complete the course, but the procedures are. I wrote it this way (simulated deco stops acceptable) so we have the ability to meet the course objectives with wider weather and gulf conditions margins (less chance of getting blown out). It's a great course, even if I do say so myself :)
Sorry for the hijack, Doc :)

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