Ok, I’ll bite. What’s the point of solo diving with a fully redundant gas supply and then putting two second stages on your back gas?
I understand your statements and question to be from the standpoint that if you are diving Solo, then there is no reason to have a "safe second"/backup 2nd stage to donate to a partner because the partner does not exist.
Here are my thoughts on my configuration:
I dive with a pony bottle that is significantly smaller than my back gas. If my primary 2nd stage becomes problematic/fails I can switch to my backup 2nd stage and continue my dive using my back gas, the pony bottle remains my contingency reserve. If I did not have the backup 2nd stage installed it would be necessary to switch to the pony tank and abort the dive.
The viable argument would be that if one suffers an equipment casualty when diving Solo, they should always abort the dive. I believe that If you have enough of the proper equipment on hand during the dive to still maintain the necessary redundancy then there is no need to abort unless that is what is planned or otherwise desired....but this is Solo diving, so that would be entirely a personal decision from the outset.