Hi Kosta,
I enjoyed reading your article.
I liked your 8 points detailed at the end.
Both of my regulator system failures resulted in 1) leakage and 2) a freeflow (huge freeflow). I did not need to deploy my redundant system. One was while solo diving; and the other was buddy diving until the casualty, and then solo ascent and surface swim to the boat (after my so-called buddy noticed my octo freeflowing, he pointed towards the boat and then waved good bye).
Your #7 is interesting. I have not performed an octo or hog looped primary donate for real, so your take-away is duly noted. I do hog loop my primary and necklace my redundant second stage because I like it. I feel it is a better configuration for me. I avoid diving with newbs or instructors described in this post
Why extra air when solo?.
I’m forsure planning to use a pony for all my solo diving regardless of depth. I just haven’t worked an the ideal size combo for me yet.
My ideal size pony is a moving target. This January I am travelling to a location where my baggage weight is an issue. Travelling with a 19 cf pony or a 30 cf pony is not an option. Solo diving is not allowed at this resort. I was told in writing that their DMs and instructors will take care of me and that they will gladly teach me to control my gas consumption through further training. I did not respond to their snarky and demeaning response. Probably came from this instructor:
Why extra air when solo?
I will be buddy diving with very good divers. Usually, tech divers and instructors with a smattering of highly accomplished recreational photo divers. Really good divers.
I am taking my 6cf pony. It travels well. It can be filled easily with a transfill whip just in case the dive op will not fill my pony for me (it can be difficult to get one filled).
I like the 6 cf while buddy diving because sometimes my buddy becomes an SOB. Sometimes I want to check-out a feature and the group moves on (including my SOB). If I suffer a catastrophic failure, my SOB is an easy swim while holding my breath or on my pony. A host of highly trained and experienced divers are usually within swimming range. Or, I can easily abort to the surface with my 6 cf. I have practiced it many times (while being negative, while shooting an SMB, and always with a mask replacement drill or no mask at all).
While doing any other solo diving I like my 13 cf or 19 cf. I have used 30 cf ponies before. My choice is relative to logistics and how benign the diving is.
I don't know that there is perfect answer as far as size. A 30 cf pony that you can't dive with (because of logistics) or can't get filled is useless to you. If the SHTF, a redundant supply that delivers 6 minutes or 15 minutes worth of gas is huge.
The beauty of redundant equipment in this case is that if there is a given failure rate, say tank/reg goes bust 1 in 3000 dives (I made that up), then having two of each multiplies this, so instead of this being likely to happen every 3000 dives with potentially nasty consequences, it is only likely every 9,000,000 dives. That's a nice boost of probability on your side, for just a few hundred dollars.
I would love to see the actual stats for catastrophic primary system failures (no gas delivered, not OOA), based on number of dives. I will probably die before I get 3,000 dives logged. I have too many avocations to rack-up that many.
I think your numbers are closer than either you and I think is possible. For me, carrying a 30 cf pony on every benign dive for a scenario that is so remote is ridiculous. I could get hit by lightning, and probably not.

