The only people that are wrong are the people that want the state to control everything. Why do we need the state to verify if the consumer is getting proper anything for their money? Are not consumers capable of doing that for themselves? The only thing consumers need is access to data so they can make informed decisions. And if government is standing in the way of that data, then the only thing the consumer needs government for is to make the data consumers need available.there are a large number of people who feel that there is too much regulation and government control in the world, but mostly these people are wrong and have some sort of personal issue with something. I would resist any attempt to make a legal framework about what a person is or is not able to do with their leisure time, but it is fair enough that when paying for training (scuba, vehicle driving, piloting airplanes etc) that the training body is subject to basic safety requirements and that the consumer is getting proper training for their money.
Yours is the same argument I hear Chinese people make in favor of their communist authoritarian leadership. They claim the people of China aren't smart enough to figure out things for themselves - so they need big government to control everything for them. Those are the same type of people who think hair dressers should need a license from big government to guarantee consumers will get a good hair cut! You don't think consumers can look at a hair dresser's work and decide for themselves if they like the work of the hair dresser or not?
Neither society nor scuba should be framed around the lowest common denominator - lazy people who take no responsibility for themselves! If they don't care about their hair cut, then let them not care about their haircut. And if they don't care about who they take scuba lessons from, then why should you care? Mind your own business and allow other to mind theirs!