Solubility and saturation are fundamental chemical principles not determined by the Buhlmann algorithm.This is not how the buhlmann algorithm is implemented in all modern deco software and dive computers.
Then you are using the term wrong.Assuming you consider supersaturation and off-gassing as synonymous (as I and others do),
You are correct about the rate of off-gassing, but not about supersaturation (since you are using the term unscientifically)then supersaturation (and the rate of off-gassing) is determined by calculating the pressure gradient between partial pressures in breathing gas vs tissues.
Correct with regard to off-gassing, but not saturation.Ambient pressure doesn't come into the equation (it does when calculating M-values, but not when calculating off-gassing/saturation).
However, Ambient pressure does come into the equation when determining solubility, supersaturation, and gas bubble formation.