Why do guys do it?

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What I meant to imply was that young women,
in my meager but ongoing experience, are at LEAST as horny
as young men.

i never said they weren't.
please point to where i say "unlike women, men are horny all the time..."

oh wait... i never said that :wink:

women do show it differently, in my opinion

is either implicit or you weren't saying anything. (And I mean this to be all in good fun but do not want to use a smiley-face. My initial post was definately from the wrong side of the bed)
I'm surprised at some of the responses from other males on this. Obviously the flirting bothers Zoe83, and she says she has tried to put a stop to it. For readers to put the blame on her seems a bit uncalled for.

I have only spent a few weeks in Australia, but thought the guys there were a bit brash and such behavior doesn't entirely surprise me. There also seems to be a lot of drinking there as well. Perhaps these are factors. I have heard that some Australian women prefer men from the US or Europe because they act better towards women. As a scientist, I realize this is not a well sampled conclusion and largely anecdotal.

I generally don't flirt unless it is with a woman I know fairly well already. My female dive buddies are all involved in solid relationships. I will flirt with them, but the boundaries are well established and their SO's all feel comfortable when they spend time with me alone.

I'm surprised at some of the responses from other males on this. Obviously the flirting bothers Zoe83, and she says she has tried to put a stop to it. For readers to put the blame on her seems a bit uncalled for.
I have only spent a few weeks in Australia, but thought the guys there were a bit brash and such behavior doesn't entirely surprise me. There also seems to be a lot of drinking there as well. Perhaps these are factors. I have heard that some Australian women prefer men from the US or Europe because they act better towards women. As a scientist, I realize this is not a well sampled conclusion and largely anecdotal.
I generally don't flirt unless it is with a woman I know fairly well already. My female dive buddies are all involved in solid relationships. I will flirt with them, but the boundaries are well established and their SO's all feel comfortable when they spend time with me alone.Doc
Hello Dr. Bill, I invite you read messages #14 & #23. Few of the comments given to dear Zoe are not uncalled for, they have been replies to her own statements! We do however have to keep in mind that she is 21 and perharps just begining to understand the mixed messages that a girl in a womans body can unfold! Her flirting or whatever it is she's not doing is going to get her in a hek of alot of other situations. By the way Dr. B. the guys giving her the problems (she says) are her bf's American friends!

PS, I'd love to further discuss this flirting you do with women in solid relationships (LOL) is this a hobby of yours? hmmm....
Here's a counterview, DrBill -
I have heard that some Australian women prefer men from the US or Europe because they act better towards women.
As has already been pointed out, Zoe seems to be indicating that her problems are with her American friends - not those lewd Aussie blokes that are around her :wink:

I'm an Australian who has lived her life between Oz and overseas - New York, Singapore and Austria, and I've just returned from nearly five years in London. In that time I've dated men from from America and Europe, had a long standing relationship with a Canadian who lived in the US, and have male friends from these and many other countries and cultures.

One thing I've noticed is the overseas stereotype about Australian males that - while amusing - creates rather a problematic international image...it was perhaps epitomised by the beer ads running in England ('He who drinks Australian, thinks Australian' and 'Australians wouldn't give a XXXX for anything else'). They're a cack and I enjoy them, but they're not representative of the Australian males I know, including my father and brother.

Australians do enjoy a drink, and our drinking culture is somewhat different to that in America (e.g., we will sometimes have a drink over lunch during a workday). It is more akin to what I saw in England and other European countries. If anything, my English and Irish friends drank at least as much if not more than a similar socio-economic sample in Oz.

As for respecting women, Australian men are no better nor any worse than the Americans, English, Irish etc. men I've interacted with. Most don't need to have it spelled out when you're not interested, a few do.

The hard drinking Australian Yobbo may exist - just like the English Soccer Hooligan and the Loud American - but I wouldn't say they were the norm. I'm independant, educated and very well travelled, and I have never found that men American or European men treat women 'better'. My male Australian partners, family, and friends are the equal of any that I've encountered anywhere in the world when it comes to respecting women.
Bacardi spice, i agree with you, i have been around australians, europeans, asians and americans, and it does depend on someones personality as to how they act, not where theyre from. different countries may have different ways of socialising but in the end it is up to the individual..i only mentioned they were american because someone asked why i hung around them, and my reason is for my bf to be able to hang out with mates with common backgrounds/interests. I am really happy now everything is clear with them all :)
Drunk words are sober thoughts. IOW alcohol doesn't change people it just lets the real person show.
Alcohol is an excuse to do things you want to sober.
Even sing Karaoke.

Hey Zoe, look at the bright side, you must be young and attractive. Aren't you flattered ? It will not happen when you are past 50 :wink:
And as other people say, you are taken, so there is no risk on either side ... If they really get way too insistent you can punch them on the nose :D

I stumbled across this post looking for something else. Curious though...three months later, how have things worked out with this situation?
diverindeep, all is still fine...one of his mates actually lived with us for a month before he went back to the states, there were no problems :)

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