Maybe the reference was to accidental removal (turning the wrong knob)?And why do you need to remove a valve under pressure?
Don't forget there is now a third connector (similar to DIN, but larger diameter) - the DIN M26 nitrox fitting. This is a result of the European bureaucrats deciding that a different connection was needed for EANx tanks. This became law (in Europe) in August, so if you are diving in the European community and want EANx, you'll need the M26 DIN (I think the current DIN is M25, or 25mm thread)!
No doubt converters from M25 to M26 will abound.

The idea behind this new standard is to prevent a rich mixture being filled to a tank which is not oxygen-clean. This is flawed though, because there is still nothing except procedural care to ensure that a cylinder with the new M26 valve remains oxygen-clean - in other words, exactly like the M25 system.

It sounds like the UK (woohoo) are going to ignore this; the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Scuba Industries Trade Association (SITA) are fighting it, citing that the M26 fitting is not required for safety, and will cause confusion in the diving community. The Germans (surprise, surprise) are embracing the directive wholeheartedly (as it was they, with a vested commercial interest) who requested the law.
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