Here is some factual information regarding January Nortes over the past 5 years - not based on memory or perception, but factual
Data. I only have immediate access to my records for past 5 years - but will pull files from storage for more years .
Jan 2014 - 2 days (4th & 8th)
Jan 2015 - 2 days (24th & 25th)
Jan 2016 - 1 day (17th)
jan 2017 - no port closures in January
Jan 2018 - 3 days (13, 14 & 15)
For clarification - these are days the port was closed for boats under 30’ - So
It’s possible larger boats were out on some of these days.
To answer flyboy - port closure is a confusing term for those who don’t live here - think of it as a small craft advisory - usually affects aquatic activity only. It doesn’t affect ferries unless things are REALLY bad like a tropical storm, or winds over about 50mph