I spent more than half of today "diving". I got up in the morning and packed gear for myself and the stuff I was lending my dive buddy(ies). I got dressed and left the house at 9 for a meet time at 10. Then I spent more than an hour adjusting my gear to my dive buddy, and wondering where the other fellow was (he was jetlagged and had overslept). Eventually, we got in the water, and our total dive time was about 20 minutes, because my buddy was a brand new diver, and I had brought him a 72 cubic foot tank, which is all we have that has air in it. Oh, did I mention that the wind was howling and the rain was pelting, and almost everybody else was smart enough not to go outside today?
After our dive, I declared I was wimping out of more diving in the thunder, lightning, and POURING rain, and my buddy and I had a cup of tea in the nearby restaurant and then I went home. I got home at 1:30 pm, and I haven't YET taken all the gear out of the truck and washed it and put it away. 4 1/2 hours spent for 20 minutes underwater, and another hour of cleanup work yet to do, and all of it in absolutely FOUL weather.
Yeah, I wonder why people don't sign up to do this. Actually, I wonder why those of us who it, do!