Why are you called.....The Great Screen Name Thread

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My origonal name was simple non-diving related, but then it stopped working so I had to make another one, so I got the bright (dumb) idea to make up a diving name that in no way is representative of me, its just what I thought of at the time.
Take a big guess??????
Take a big guess??????

Your from Cali??? HEHEHEHEHEHEHE

Wstein :cheeky:
El Orans is the Arabian name given to T.E. Lawrence aka Lawrence of Arabia. And Lawrence just happens to be my first name.
I was deep in the rain forest on Palawan working with a group of hunter-gatherers when they pointed out a big reticulated python hidden among the rocks. I pounced on it and subdued it after a bit of a struggle and eventually carried it back to their forest camp. Later, I heard them refer to me as "Salimbag," the name of an ancient deity which happens to be a big, white hominid-like creature that is friend of all the animals of the forest. So that was my knickname there and is here, both places where we share a spirit of adventure.
ummm... let's see... in Texas = tx
then ALWAYS on the lake = lakerats

pretty simple
My mommy gave it to me. A long, long time ago.
I'm not very original. Mania is a nick name for Maria - which is my real name. They used to call me Mania in the high school
(it's pronanouced like maniac, of course without the "c" at the end)
Why did you choose your log-in name?
What does it signify?

FLL is the airport code of Ft. Lauderdale. Diver is...well duh.

After reading all the posts, I think my log in signifies mostly my lack of imagination at the time when I registered. :D

I have thought of changing it, but I don't want to lose that valuable posting number and designation by starting over again. :wink:

It takes a real pipedope to do it again and again.

I used to be a commercial diver working largely in stormwater drain systems in FL. I recently retired due to medical reasons.

If I had known I would live this long I would have taken better care of my body. :D

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