Why are you called.....The Great Screen Name Thread

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nickname since I was a kid
Since I missed this thread when it came through (and the 2 others after it) I figured to give it a quick resurrection and add mine to the soup:

gfisher is short for Gary Fisher, the brand of mountain bike I rode in my previous life, before I wrecked one too many times, so it's kind of an homage. 4792 originally came from my birth year, but I flipped it around, changed numbers, and basically hacked it all up until it's know a random 4 digits that seem to stick to my various screen names.
Years ago I was (and still am really, though not active in training others any more) an advanced driver and motorcyclist - the DIR approach to driving/biking if you like.

Phaethon is the illegitimate son of Helios the sun god who borrowed his father's chariot (the sun) and rode it recklessly around the sky, scorching the earth and spreading chaos until Zeus struck him down with a thunderbolt.

Phaethon was the first joy-rider, sort of ironic to take his name.

fldivejunkie . . .

pretty self explanatory. I live in Florida and I cannot seem to dive enough! Hooked on scuba so much that I dragged my entire family across the country so I could live next to (and dive into, of course) warm water.

Was trying to think of a fishy name and watching a damselfish in action has just always cracked me up. When I see a fish 3 inches long facing me down or even attempting to bite me it makes me smile. They've got nerve.
I don't get to dive that often, so instead of being wet, I'm just mildly damp. Also, I have an embarrassing medical condition...
i guess i lack imagination... my name is andy, and i like

Was trying to think of a fishy name and watching a damselfish in action has just always cracked me up. When I see a fish 3 inches long facing me down or even attempting to bite me it makes me smile. They've got nerve.

excellent name. btw, the only fish that's ever bothered
me was a bicolor damselfish. bit the crap out of my exposed
right hand (top). them there was unprovoked, too...
LOL, hopefully "most" people can figure out mine. i'm a Divemaster and my name is Steve. i like using the KISS method in most things.

Jennifer Lopez....JLO...
Jeff Rodensky....JRO...
I'm still Jeffrey from the block....

My sales team started calling me that as a joke a couple of years ago....somehow it stuck.

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