Why are you called.....The Great Screen Name Thread

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Nickname in HS of AJ and Nickname in College of Bubbles, I figured it fit well! LOL
as the old cliche goes,.... " 'Nuff said". :mean:

The name describes well why folks on the dive boat keep their belongings safely stored away and the captain keeps his deck area clean in order to avoid a man overboard.
I have had a few crazy moments (nothing so hollywood) but certainly life or death depending on your reactions and choices.
It was a great movie.
I didn't feel people would recognize his character from Striking Distance.
If I have lost you then you never watched Moonlighting much.
It was that or name myself after the Dog.
Baccus was the old guy responsible for wine and partying in old Greek mythology.

'nuff said :D
John McClane once bubbled...

It was that or name myself after the Dog.

Let me guess...Indiana Jones?


*If you're not a movie buff then the last comment probably won't be funny..."Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"...go see it
I prefer to use my ".sig" format which is based on my initials. The reason for its brevity was to save bandwidth back in the old, old, old days, when the 'Net moved along at 9600 at work, or 300 baud at home.


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