Why are you called.....The Great Screen Name Thread

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A friend of mine called my jray many years ago and the name stuck. It's like a booger and I just can't get rid of it so I stopped fighting it.
Well, I've seen tv shows where people take their dogs diving,(or maybe just on dive boats. I've never seen a poodle strapped into a BC). Well, I don't have a dog, I have 2 cats. I figure if I call myself DiveKitten, it'll help in winning their trust... One day those cats will learn SCUBA*

*probably over my dead and horribly scratched body. :kitty:

I'm a photographer, and my friends call me TJ.
Cool thread! :)

I first chose the very unoriginal “scuba girl” but of course that was taken in different versions already so I had to think of something more original. I thought of some other silly nickname that I have since I was a little kid but since I’m a bit tired of that one, I thought I’d make something up like “watersprite”.

I am not a native speaker of the English language so I don’t have a clue if native speakers of the English language know what "watersprite" means? (it’s at least not in all my English/Dutch and E/E dictionaries...).

Well.... my real name is Undine and comes from a story which is based on a fairy tale that is – yes, that’s right - called “Undine”. According to the fairy tale, Undine is a watersprite, a nymph with the unique ability to assume human form. I found it too boring to use my real name as I use that in every day life so I thought I’d pick “watersprite” for this forum...

It is a combination of the start of my first name and my wife/dive buddies first name.

GRAham and JANaki

She is not much interested in NG's so it is largely symbolic but we use it a lot for joint activites.

---- got my "member" rating with this one - :)
Mine was one from a little desperation. I am new to diving and I'm far from home(Canada), exactly half way around the world from it. after running around Seoul Korea for a few weeks trying to find some answers I found this site. I throughout the creative option for one that made me obvious if not a little "nerdy" (my apologies to our Nerdy diving friends). It has worked I have found many friends, many more answers, and a few local connections. Since I plan to be on this site for a lot longer than I want to give the impression I'm an uncreative type so I may have to change it, maybe not. Being obvious has it's advantages.

Dave AKA CdninKorea=-)
J stands for my first initial - Jason
E stands for my middle initial - not telling
Puskar is a good portion of my last name.

So when looking at my name it should be pronounced J.E. Puskar

...im sure others would disagree and call me something totally not resembling my name. :rolleyes:
We have a daycare. People tell me I must be crazy to take care of 12 preschoolers every day. I will let you figure out the last part.

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