Again, no one has to follow anyone’s philosophy. GUE tells you what they do, what they believe. You learn it in class. What you do with it after class is up to you. If you want to go solo diving with nothing but a spare air and a banana up your ass, have at it. No one gives a crap.I think the issue is pretty much what @johndiver999 is saying, with a slight twist. I think we have a world of divers these days that do in fact view GUE as "the best". They also are very accustomed to this day and age of buying their certifications. GUE does not simply allow you to buy their agencies certs. You must perform, first and foremost, and you must follow their philosophy. So then it becomes the proverbial "sour grapes", well if I can't have it, it sucks!!
This isn’t church where your pastor will come a calling telling you that you have sinned and ask you to write a check for penance. This is scuba diving - a recreational activity. Just don’t come to scubaboard’s DiR forum asking why what you are doing is not considered DiR and why GUE is not evolving to include your diving preferences.