The "backgas" isn’t redundant as they’re also consumed as your diluent. A week's boat diving would need a couple of gas top offs or need different backgas cylinders for different depths. For any dive beyond recreational depths you still require deco bailout(s).
A normal** rebreather — such as a standard JJ — doesn’t consume gas from the bailouts (aside from powering up the regulator and test breaths). The standard three litre dil and oxygen cylinders are smaller, cheaper and far easier to manage — than the TWO 7 litre cylinders with special valves on the GUE JJ. Diluent PPO2 is normally different (~1.0) from your bailout PPO2 (~1.4), so your "dilout" would compromise your bailout, probably being hypoxic for moderate depths (60m/200ft) and beyond.
Normal rebreathers are lighter and smaller thus easier to move around and stow. This is particularly important when carrying kit to a site where breaking it into smaller units may be essential.
The longhose means that you cannot pass over your bottom bailout to a person in need. You will be permanently tied to them whilst they’re consuming your diluent. An OOG donation is more or less the same on a normal rebreather— you pull out your bailout regulator and shove it in their face. Then you unclip your bailout and hand it over to them so they are independent from you.
Lots of compromises seemingly for little or no benefit.
Have often wondered why normal rebreathers have standardised around the JJ style configuration of a pair of 3 litre cylinders for diluent and oxygen, a large 2 litre suit inflate cylinder and fully redundant bailout cylinder(s). The GUE format JJ stands alone in its design that no other rebreather manufacturers have adopted.
** For this discussion "normal rebreathers" do not include sidemount nor chestmount formats.