People are collecting cards and combine al their cards. If you want to dive with oc it would make sense to do oc dpv training.
If your goal is dpv diving with a rebreather, you should do the training with a rebreather.
I've seen diving gue divers a cave 2 and JJ in caves because a gue instructor told them that's ok. But they are not able to do scr mode with the JJ. Because they did never learnt. They bring oxygen to 50 meter depth so they can use it to plug in when they have an oxygen failure.
Or other GUE cave 2 en CCR 1 divers who are not using inflator hoses at their stages at all.
It's the same with CCR1 and tech 1. GUE ccr divers are allowed to do tech 1 level dives after ccr1 and 25 dives. But they do not even know how to set their perdix in ccr mode and when I told them how they should do the didn't switch setpoint during the dive.
I've seen enough things like that, these kind of things are happening because the never learnt to do the dives, only combining cards.
WIth cave 2 and tech 1 it was possible for me to dive with an unknown diver and do a tech1 or cave 2 dive. That is not possible anymore for me with the JJ.
A person could be a very good oc diver. But he could be a beginner with the rebreather. But if he combine al his cards he can do do cave dive, with dpv and ccr. This is happening a lot of times.
People spent a lot of time and money at gue oc training and believe that the can do the same and more complicated dives with 100 hours or less on the ccr...
If you want to dive with the ccr in caves, you should be able to handle the ccr in caves, choosing oc would be cheating (for me).
I see your point, and that’s really an issue with the JJCCR training program.
IMO at the levels you’re describing, a diver MUST be able to recognize when they don’t have all the puzzle pieces. If you don’t know how to operate your equipment, you shouldn’t be doing the dive regardless of what your card says. This is a game for grownups.
When I went through the RB80 course, we had to submit an outline to the instructor on how we were going to progress with the rebreather to get to where we want to be. We had a candid discussion about it and we made tweaks together. Sounds like that’s lacking in the CCR program.