I did GUE Fundies with tech rating, but chose IANTD for my JJ-CCR training. Met a very good instructor, on par with or even better than comparable GUE instructors (there aren't that many around here, just one, that do CCR).Would also imagine that the GUE JJ CCR class wouldn't be overly transferable to other rebreathers.
The thing I noticed is that IANTD is more of a 'do things how you think they are done best, but do it safe as we taught you' versus the almost militarized GUE way of doing things (don't ask why, just do it like this). Honestly, both ways have their advantages and disadvantages. I can't say one is better than the other. I still rely very much on my GUE training and even use some of the GUE procedures in my CCR diving.
The thing that made me choose IANTD over GUE for CCR training is that I very much dislike the GUE JJ config. In my opinion they transformed a beautiful designed machine in something I do not want to dive with. I do understand the GUE reasoning, just don't agree with it. That is for me a real issue with GUE, you have to do everything exactly their way or it's the highway. I like to broaden my learning experience and like to adapt to the situation if it's more appropriate for the dive (specially with CCR diving).
Coming back to the original question, personally I think it's wise to do training with different organisations and gain different insights. It makes you a better informed and hopefully more flexible diver than just sticking with one way of doing things. For me curiosity about other agencies is a good thing, not a bad thing. In that sense GUE has a lot to offer with their standards in procedures, less with their specific CCR config.