Why are more men inclined to dive?

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My wife and I dive together. That being said, she got into it because I wanted to. My desire to dive pushed her through OW and AOW. Now it is HER desire to dive that is moving us from a large home and successful business in the states to go to Roatan to complete DMT and IDC. In our case, she took a little longer to get bit by the diving bug, but once it got through her wetsuit it took hold fully and completely. We got some gear in from Scubatoys last night and she literally danced around the house jumping with joy at her new toys.

From a man's perspective I can say that women who dive are far more desireable than those who don't. Then again, women who shoot are better than does who don't. Women who drive Jeeps are hotter than those who don't. My wife does all three, and let me tell you my blood pressure hasn't seen normal in years.

Diving is a mans sport. Why? Because we are the more foolish of the genders. We like to take risks and often don't think things through. Women are often more concerned with considering all of the risks associated with an activity, while their husband or boyfriend is going headfirst into the unknown. I prefer diving with women as they often lack the testosterone induced stupidity than many of my male friends suffer from.

What it boils down to is taking risks. Those women who dive are more open to exploring the unknown and breaking the stereotype. These are the same personality types that enter into other traditionally male activities. Personally, the more the merrier - I'd rather a dive buddy that I'd *want* to save!
I can see it now....at the end of every open water class, everybody jumps in the pool, holds hands in a circle and sings 'Kumbaya' :wink:

Seriously, though, I really had no idea that was such a potential barrier. You'd think that a dive shop & instructors would want to be really sensitive and friendly to attract the most customers possible ($$$)

It is a definate plus to be female friendly. We have 2 LDS very close to each other in Va. Beach, & where I have no problems in either shop, my wife likes the newer shop that is more open, painted with brighter colors.
My wife is a very good diver, but hates diving off the coast of Va. Beach & I dont push the issue. She loves to dive off NC & has no problem with the sharks or anything else she sees. She also knows that I look out for her & do most of the gear carrying even tho I am not that big of a guy & if we are on a dive I will call it no matter how good of a time I am having if she has any problem. Most likely she gets cold.
She is very prone to Seasickness, but will start popping the pills the nite before to limit the problem.She knows that most of the good dives are further off shore. She has made the U-352, Papoose & City of Houston very recently.
Then again, women who shoot are better than does who don't.

Unless we're talking Vodka here, not sure I am comfortable with this...or Leah's sharp/dull meat cleaver!!!:11:

Mel, please don't set the bar too high on spelling here...we all have chalajez there! I think I hit the "edit" key the most.:no
Jon C:
Unless we're talking Vodka here, not sure I am comfortable with this...or Leah's sharp/dull meat cleaver!!!:11:

Vodka, firearms.... both good things in my book.
I got certified while single. After meeting my future husband, it took me 8 years to get him certified. I am a persistant sales person! I finally asked him to take the class as my birthday present and if he still didn't want to dive after that, I'd leave him alone about it. Of course, he loves it, I created a dive monster!!

He's the one who gets seasick. I guess I love not being the norm!!

And yes to vodka, jeeps, firearms and Porsches!!
My BF dives but because he feels pressured to since I need a buddy. We've come up with a compromise, diving is my thing and shooting is his. I shoot with him he dives with me. I pay for the diving he pays for the shooting. I wish he was more into it but alas, when I met him he couldn't swim so I think he has come leaps and bounds farther than I thought he would.
PNW Dive Girl:
And yes to vodka, jeeps, firearms and Porsches!!

well, my goal is to piss off the BATF, so my combo is vodka, cigars, and AK-47's

ya boy!
My wife has learned to shoot, dive, kayak, rappel, spelunk, and drink like a fish since we got married.

I have learned to eat vegetables, horseback ride, drink less, behave myself (honest!).

Relationships are about compromise. It's also fun to learn new things together. In our case, we're going to go through DMT together - instant dive buddy.

The funniest thing to me is the number of women that I know that complain that there aren't any eligible guys out there, yet they are looking in the wrong place. We have a friend who goes out to bars and parties. If she would just start diving she'd find lots of nice single chaps...
Relationships are about compromise.

Yes they are. The wife and I have a perfectly balanced give/take relationship.

She takes - I give.


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