Who's your Favorite BP/W Manufacturer

Who's your fave BP/W maker?

  • DSS

    Votes: 77 23.1%
  • Halcyon

    Votes: 65 19.5%
  • Dive Rite

    Votes: 44 13.2%
  • Oxycheq

    Votes: 46 13.8%
  • OMS

    Votes: 34 10.2%
  • Zeagle

    Votes: 20 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 47 14.1%

  • Total voters

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I'm not a Polyanna, and I am a capitalist, but I do have faith in the basic goodness of people.

I think not being a Polyanna and having faith in the basic goodness of people is, borderline, an oxymoron.

BTW: I'm a capitalist too.

This list is replete with mentors and instructors who gladly offer their time and assistance to new divers, take them diving, provide free seminars etc. Do you suspect their motives also?

It's rude, judgemental and challanging comments like the one above that keeps you off balance with a lot of people including me.

Have you never helped someone out without expectation of reward?

Practically every day of my life. Another "off-balance," rude and totally unnecessary comment.

You just don't know me very well. It's satisfying to help people. I really don't give a damn what brand of gear you choose to use. If you have questions that I'm qualified to answer I'll try to help. Ever seen me refuse to help somebody that bought another brand of BP&W?

I'm confident that enough people will find my offerings attractive to make this endeavour worthwhile, it they have the facts.

Running DSS is fun. It's an outlet for my creative side, it helps me rationalize having lots of cool-hardware like 9 CNC machines and many other goodies and I get to interact with divers daily. I learn here too, SB is a great resource.

I don't have to do this. DSS is not a hobby, but I do it because I enjoy it. I'm not keeping score, I don't care who sells the most gear. World domination is not on my list of goals. As long as I can have fun, build new and interesting stuff, and meet the payroll life's good. If I can help folks along the way that's good too.

Lets' see... 1st you say your not a Polyanna and then you say it's all about having fun.

Next you say, your a Capitalist but don't give a damn what brand of gear people use.

These seem like contradictions to me.

I don't like the tone of your challanges. My earlier posts were not challanges toward you or DSS. My earlier posts were to express my agreement with another poster.


Management, Control and Information Systems for the Construction Materials Industry

Command Alkon Incorporated


I have no idea why you find my examples of others' altrusim to be rude and judgemental. They do challenge your premise, but how is that rude or judgemental?

Your original premise was that I participate here for personal gain, and that's just not true. Dare I say that's a just a bit "rude and judgemental"

If you daily help others without expectation of reward, and I have no reason to doubt that you do, why do you find it difficult to believe others capable of the same?

I really don't care what brand of gear people dive. I do care that people dive and enjoy it. Why? If you grow diving, there will plenty of room for all the gear manufacturers. I really don't view Halcyon or Oxycheq or DiveRite etc. as the competition. Golf, video games, high gas prices etc. are the real competitors for the "diving dollar"

When you have a growing activity innovation abounds, that's the part that interests me. When you have a shrinking activity you don't. I see no contradiction.

Actually, there's a huge difference between discussing someone's products and attacking their motives for posting on ScubaBoard.

You seem to be more interested in doing the latter.

Have you ever dived DSS products? If so, how about providing some of your thoughts on them. That might be a bit more constructive than speculating as to why someone wants to post on the board.

Your statement that Tobin is "always arguing" is flat-out wrong. Tobin has given more useful advice, and answered more questions without soliciting his products than any other product manufacturer who posts to ScubaBoard.

The man has a right to defend himself when people question his integrity, or make incorrect statements about his products.

Who wouldn't?

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

I am not attacking Tobin's motives or products :shakehead
I never dived DSS so I can't make any statements..
But seems to me good products.

I can't say Tobin ALWAYS arguing because he helped me a lot but each time it's about his products, it's more a WAR...
I agree also on the fact that he can defend his products but it seems for me that was more than defence for the zipper no zipper YKK zipper story...

I am not AGAINST tobin or DSS, I just wanna said that DSS is first on the poll, that IMO there is a biais on the poll because of tobin regular posting..
Most of the time it's to help people, Sometimes it's for a war with other manufacturers ( I DON'T CARE who started the war) and IMO tobin is sometimes on the edge with other manufacturers. That's all.

And in conclusion i don't think this kind of post "what is your favorite brand" helps people...
You got "my favorite is X."
or "my favorite is Y because I only dived with Y."

my 0.02
Don Janni:
Yet every post you make is an advertisement for DSS and you advertise here regularly. Everyone here knows that. People are smart. Other manfucturers advertize here as well and I guess there's nothing wrong with it.

Trying to convience people you are not promoting your products with every post is... well, you know...
See that flag flying through the air, Don? That's the BS flag I just pulled out.

"Everybody here knows that. People are smart."

Don Janni:
I don't like the tone of your challanges. My earlier posts were not challanges toward you or DSS. My earlier posts were to express my agreement with another poster.

You don't think you come across as belligerent and aggressive in your posts? You're merely agreeing with another poster?

Think again.
Angel In Pink:
I like DSS. Plus I know them.:D

Welcome to the board :wavey: I recall running into Tobin and Al at Laguna Sea Sport a while back. Was that your sweet little pink DSS wing ?
Welcome to the board :wavey: I recall running into Tobin and Al at Laguna Sea Sport a while back. Was that your sweet little pink DSS wing ?

Wanna share my popcorn Rig??

It seems that it's been painted by some here that the fact that Tobin is representing DSS here is bad. I'm sure it is true that DSS' business has been helped significantly by his participation on SB. His presence here is easily observable, and he doesn't try and hide the fact that he makes and sells gear. Basically, SB has been a good marketing and advertising channel. I'm a good example of this - I recently bought DSS gear because of the exposure here on SB and all the positive reviews and comments. And I'm extremely pleased with the quality and performance of DSS gear as well as the thorough and prompt customer service.

But it is also clear that Tobin has completely above board in how his information is presented. In reading hundreds of posts, I've never once seen him tear down a competitor's product. He may state the advantages of his gear when pressed, but he has also stated many times that company XYZ's (insert almost any BP/W company here) equipment is excellent. He has expressed opinions on a variety of diving topics, and seems to do a fine job of not transitioning these into a "buy my gear" comment. There are many on SB that represent manufacturers, LDS, online retail, instruction, etc. Out of all of them, my observation is that Tobin is the most objective of all of them.

One of the things Tobin does that I greatly appreciate is an explaination of "why". Think of how many posts you've seen on SB where someone will ask a question or request a recommendation and the answers will be simple with no explaination of the thought process on why they feel that way. "What regulator would you not ever buy?" might yield the trivial response "XYZ", with zero understanding why. Tobin answers questions with actual information content, something you can use to think about and apply to your unique situation. I've found that very valuable, and can then make my own judgements.

Keep the comments and answers (and cool gear) coming, Tobin!
I very much agree with those statments .. have seen many examples of his help here on the board
All the mentioned BP/W are of high quality and any of them will do you good service but I would get one of Tobin's BP/W's, if for no other reasons than the ones given here (and I just may, I do like them)
Well put Jeffery
Don Janni:
It's rude, judgemental and challanging comments like the one above that keeps you off balance with a lot of people including me.

Really? You didn't seem to think so when Tobin sent you a BP/W to try. Infact, I seem to recall...

Don Janni:
I thoroughly enjoyed using the DSS and sincerely appreciate the opportunity. Having this experience opened my eyes to the fact that a BP/W rig can easily serve a wider range of diving situations than just Tech. I think I have a better appreciation for why so many feel so strongly about BP/W rigs. Tobin George was fun to work with, knowledgeable and very supportive. Did I mention his being justifiably confident about his equipment.
Don Janni:
So take your 2 months and shove it. Should I have communicated with Tobin before now, yes. None of this is your business and I resent your remarks.

Tobin, Your objective in asking about your "goods" in this public forum is perplexing.

Ah, now I see what you mean about rude comments.

I am not AGAINST tobin or DSS, I just wanna said that DSS is first on the poll, that IMO there is a biais on the poll because of tobin regular posting..

I think we need to understand the dynamics of the poll. There isn't a bias on the poll because of Tobin's regular postings. A bias in a poll means that the results are skewed due to inaccuracies in the polling method, but here this poll is what it is: a tally of the number of people who have chosen to respond to this thread on SB. Let's not try and turn the statistics into something they aren't. The only conclusion one can really draw is that DSS is more popular among the readers here.

What is likely is that the results of this poll do not likely represent the diving population in general since the sample size here on SB is likely more exposed to DSS due to Tobin's participation.
I think we need to understand the dynamics of the poll. There isn't a bias on the poll because of Tobin's regular postings. A bias in a poll means that the results are skewed due to inaccuracies in the polling method, but here this poll is what it is: a tally of the number of people who have chosen to respond to this thread on SB. Let's not try and turn the statistics into something they aren't. The only conclusion one can really draw is that DSS is more popular among the readers here.

What is likely is that the results of this poll do not likely represent the diving population in general since the sample size here on SB is likely more exposed to DSS due to Tobin's participation.


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