So, against the grain, I wear a full 3 mm wetsuit, at a minimum, under all diving circumstances. I'm never too warm, but I'm often the only warm person on the boat. Wearing little protective gear sometimes seem like quite the macho thing.
What @scubadada said, except for the "macho thing." I think a lot of divers, especially vacation divers, don't wear wetsuits or dive skins because they don't have them, don't want to buy/rent them, or don't want to wear a wetsuit that hundreds of divers have peed in. There are obviously divers like @The Chairman who have not been stung because he does not touch anything, but I don't touch anything either, and have been nailed on the face, neck and legs while snorkeling in a swimsuit and rash guard well above anything touchable. Now, I wear a dive skin snorkeling, and a 3 or 5mil full suit when diving.