pilot fish:
There are easier ways to make a donation. :shakehead
PiFi....i totaly get your point that there are safer alternatives to the truck and shore diving (aka the boat diving), and I am totally digging it.
I also appreciate the public service annnoucement in your post #36 in this thread. Thanks!! It reminds us not to let down our gaurd, even in paradise.
However, I luv the shore diving and being on my own schedule.
Suggestions for others not familiar with Bonaire and the precautions to avoid losing stuff =
1. don't bring anything that you won;t be diving with
2. wear wetsuit and bathing suit as opposed to shorts and t-shirt
3. pocket the car keys in your bcd
4. wear your booties as opposed to flip flops or shoes
5. bring old pair of glasses or go blind as the passenger and have your buddy drive (the prescription dive mask makes ya cool looking
6. roll down windows and leave truck unlocked when u leave the vehicle parked.
7. as SS pointed out, dive near other vehicles.....
However, the group parking lot strategy may backfire and may not always help if everyone is in the water. If I were a local, I might look at a dive site with 4 unattended cars parked as a Wal MArt
...one stop shopping ....woohoo.....five finger discount roll back the pricing!!
There were some other posts on this on the net somewher else. people have reported old crappy (athletes foot crumbed) flip-flops being stolen ....the parenthis bit is my embelishment
so dont leave anything in the car that you may miss later when it potentialy gets stolen.
PiFi...PM me if you want to buddy up with me in Bonaire and go vigilantying throughout Bonaire during our surface intervals