I do? Ok.Spoon:chip has the directions to lea beach

I suggest we try to fill up the lea beach bangka muna before we commute over (cheaper). Let's assume 10-15 people can fit the bangka. Here's the list of who's travelling the 17th and would probably want to catch the boat:
1. spoon
2. mons
3. jon
4. dea
5. iris
6. matthew
7. ish
8. van
9. chip
10. Zee
11. Raina
@ Eric: I'm assuming you're taking the shuttle near your village. As you can see, there's space for you here.
The problem now is getting from manila to lea beach/PG parking.
Spoon can fit 3, so (ladies muna

1. Spoon
2. Mons
3. Ish
4. Iris
5. Van
The rest of us need to secure our own ride/shuttle. ie Pao's driver:
6. matthew
7. Jon
8. Dea
9. chip
10. Zee
11. Raina
How does that sound so far?