The Kraken:I'm thinking it was a *.RAF format ???
Too tired to mess with it tonight.
Downloaded the RAWShooter Essentials, you have to register it before you can use it, but it won't let me register it.
Looks as if I'm relegated to a life of *.jpg files.
For what it's worth, my Nikon puts out raw files with a .NEF extension. Depends on the camera, but .RAF sounds like the name of a RAw File.
Thanks to the inspiration of this thread, I finally started playing with PhotoShop Elements 3.0's raw converter. In the past I've just taken the default settings and tried to clean things up from there, usually without much success. But with Elements you get a first shot at adjusting the parameters before storing the file in Adobe's .PSD format. Here's a sample. Don't ask why the first one is so blue.