Do people really get only a "little" narcosis at 160 feet on air or EAN?
Shure , 160 feet is not a great depth for someone who is used to this.
This requires that you can dive much greater depths with OC air under ideal conditions (low physical and mental demands). You have to be fit, have a relaxed diving style where you produce little CO2 , breathe calmly and deeply to flush your lungs well.
As a fun diver you look for exactly such conditions or deny the great depths.
How does "proper training and experience' negate physics?
You're right it can't, but you're working with the wrong values.
We old divers did not learn to dive from padi but e.g. from Cousteau's "The silent world".
And of course we have also exerienced this ourselves, at least quite a few of us and what we have found is that these values are correct.
For me solo and with two good buddies, 80 m (262 feet) became the standard depth under good conditions in the red sea. The greatest depth I dived was 93 m (305 feet) .
This was the greatest depth that F. Dumas of Cousteau's team has dived and I have always felt respect and gratitude for these divers who have dedicated their lives to finding boundaries.
My resolution was therefore always : I will dive no meter less and no meter more.
As I write this, I'm drinking a glass of red wine to the good J.Y. Cousteau/F.Dumas and especially to Maurice Fargues, who lost his life trying to dive 120 m (394 feet) with air.