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As an utter novice I would appreciate someone investing the time and energy in helping me learn. Here's an example: when I had just come up here to NCal and got my first wetsuit, for surfing at the time, I had a hell of a time getting out of it and my chest and armpits were sore with rash. Some guy I'd seen in the water came up to me in the parking lot as I was trying to change and smiled at me saying, "If you just pull out your arms and legs letting the suit go inside out it's a lot easier than trying to pull the arms off at the cuffs." I laughed and tried it. Easy. Something so simple and small, you'd never even think of it.

Then he said, "and get a rash guard." He did all this with the obvious compassionate intention of helping me, and took time away from whatever he was doing to come over and talk to me. Maybe he was laughing inside, but I don't think so. We've all been helped by others to get over newbie mistakes, this guy was just passing it on.

People can sense right away when someone is trying to teach out of compassion and shared responsibility rather than their own sense of deficiency and neediness. The latter I can do without, but I don't read anyone here who seems remotely like that. More like the former case.
Rhlee, hello.
Im sure I would like the way you guys dive. Im sure its much the way I dive. as a matter of fact. I have noticed ben owns a kayak and Im looking for other fellow kayak divers to buddy up.by the way ben. qute kid in the kayak and nice photos. I didn't mean to sound shroud. and Im not cutting on how unselfish he is with his dive time. I can see he is trying to start something good. and start people off on the right foot. I think you missed my point. as well as I. and I believe I said I was reading more into it than I should. not chuck. chuck mentioned something about dir divers. and even aknowaging the fact that dir guys have in the past been,dive this way or the highway. I don't even know if ben is a dir diver. by the looks of It I would say no he's not. with a air2 and all. but it looks like he is progressing as we all are. my apologies if I offended. so before I put my foot in my mouth any farther. can somebody please point out the thread from Lynne's threads on mentorship? so I know what the heck im talking about.. LOL.. maybe I got off on the wrong foot here. again I apologies if I offended.heck ben seems to be a nice guy. welcoming me to the board and pointing out some things to me. cant be all that bad.
Hinalo vbmenu_register("postmenu_2889043", true);
some guys use hair conditioner with water . when you just about finished with the conditioner for your hair. fill the rest up with water . and give yourself a sprinkle with it before you don your suit. it will slide right on and off. and your skin will be soft to. hope to see you @ the water. good luck and have fun.
I don't even know if ben is a dir diver. by the looks of It I would say no he's not. with a air2 and all.

LOL... That is too funny.

Wait till you see him in person. He's got pink overlay on his drysuit with a pink wing and a pink regulator. He even bought pink webbing for his backplate. Pink is very DIR.
Ha! learned something new. Thanks ;-)
Gonphishin has met me a few times.



I've yet to meet in-person any "hardcore DIR guys" by your definition; if you know of any, please introduce me.
im always open to new and old ideas. but you know. the hardcore DIR guys are overkill. and sometimes ones approach to diving can take the fun out of diving. nobody likes to be judged or called a knob. or get caught in a pissing contest.

Hey Brian,
There's a lot of internet myth that people hear out there about DIR. Did you have a run in with a "DIR diver"? There aren't really a lot out there... and in my experience they make pretty good mentors. I would try to resist recycling the myths and make a judgment for yourself when you get to meet one (---->Mark ).

I just think referring to a newbie diver as a knob or a tool might not be the best way to attract divers to a mentor for diving. but to each its own I guess.

Who did you hear this from? The guys I dive with are totally on board with mentoring sadly we only had 1 guy show up last time. We'll see when we can put another one on.

Mentoring TSandM style:

Gonphishin has met me a few times.


I think I actually bought a tank off Brian a while back...

Oh and Mark is an outstanding mentor... with or without tanks :)

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