Where to learn inspecting tanks in europe?

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I am looking to become an authorized scuba tank inspector. Looking for some place in Europe to learn how to do it and become qualified.

Preferably psi-pci.

How do i accomplish that?

Thanks for answers and help.
PSI PCI instructors offer online classes.
I was offered the opportunity to do my PSI PCI course by being friendly with my local dive shop owner. She knows I do my own reg service, etc... and thought I might enjoy doing the course along with some employees doing their refreshers. Reach out to some shops and see where you end up...
In Europe I.D.E.S.T. is the place to learn these things after Steven Meinert retired and A.S.S.E.T. essentially closed shop.
However, in a lot of countries you have appointed bodies doing the inspection, for example the TÜV in Germany.
All we depend on :

- wich country you plan to do your training
- if your want to work as a pro or just be qualified to inspect your tanks

An exemple : in France, I'm a qualified IV tech, but only as a member of a non profit association diving club (i.e "loi 1901"), meaning I can inspect my tanks or any tank in my club, and certify it or not.

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