Got in trouble this week.
I am currently an acting chaplain for the US Army NATO forces here in Estonia. I met with one of the commanders and explained that I was also a chaplain and dive master with one of the dive clubs in Tallinn.
I asked if he wanted to see about getting his men certified so that they could dive Rummu
Barrakuuda | Diving in Rummu lake & underwater prison
He was pretty excited and we signed 12 up (max. class size for us to handle). I assisted the Russian instructor, Sergey to help with language issues, etc.
After the pool sessions, the students started asking about my fins. The course director, was frowning.
Observations by the soldiers. "How come you only kick about 1 stroke for every 5 of ours?" etc.
Then we hit open water and the cramps started. Then more instructions from the course director, "You need to eat more bananas." (and my sotto voce comment, "Or use Force Fins!"

The final day as we were at the shop, the shop owner said, "I am going to buy you some really nice fins for you to use when teaching courses with us. It isn't fair for the students to see you finning the way you are."

Well, it obviously isn't this fat old man. It has to be the fins!
Thanks Bob!!!!
We love you man.
tallinn, estonia
---------- Post added August 29th, 2015 at 04:41 PM ----------
Get 'em while they're hot!!
Force Fin Tan Delta Extra Force Amber Bungee Strap XXL Signed | eBay