Where has DIN been required?

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My first reg set was DIN because I figured it didn't really matter. I went to a dive op in Mexico that would have gotten all my business since we plan to move there in a few years and asked about DIN tanks and the owner looked at me like a second head sprouted out of my shoulders and asked why on earth I would have one of those. So I went to the other dive op in town and they were totally cool with it. Needless to say, the second dive op is my go to for diving now. HOWEVER, one time I got on the boat and found they forgot to bring the DIN tanks I asked for. I had my DIN to YOKE adapter so it was OK but I don't like the additional length that puts the 1st stage right behind my head. So even though I like DIN better for its compact size and more secure mounting, I've bought yoke regs since then. I wish the whole world just picked DIN.
OP's choice of yoke may be for the better. DIN requires a bit more maintenance. It's easier to adapt a tank from DIN to yoke (the donut), rather than cope with a yoke to DIN adapter. Small weight savings when a diver carries the adapter in the SAD kit.
I've never had a yoke reg loosen in it's internal fitting, but I have had the DIN post loosen and throw an internal O-Ring in the DIN post. I now tighten the DIN post before every dive trip.
Technically, yes, DIN is a better system. It is designed for a higher pressure. It is also geared for a more technically oriented diver.
But... All 6 of my regs are DIN, and all 8 tanks. -- and I have 3 yoke adapters and 8 donuts.
I dive yoke when I'm diving my yoke stuff, and I dive din when I'm diving my din stuff, at the same pressures
Some European double hose regs came with din option, so that suggests to me that fittings dictate pressure

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