Did my shortest, shallowest solo dive ever last night. A friend had been working on his boat over the week-end, and dropped a brass-capped wooden spar overboard while taking it off to work on it. So I told him I'd go recover it for him.
Got to the boat, had him show me about where he dropped it. Vis was about a foot, and I figured I'd be doing a "braille" search, so I put a weighted line overboard with a backup light on it to provide me a visual reference. Geared up and dropped down the line. As I approached the bottom, I noticed something reflecting off the beam of the light on the bottom of the line ... it was the brass cap on one end of the spar ... which was sticking straight up in the mud about six inches from the down line.
Pulled it out of the mud and ascended ... took me longer to get outta my rig and back on the boat than it took to do the dive. Would've just stayed down there and looked around a bit if the vis hadn't been so bad ...
... Bob (Grateful Diver)