I tend to dive like a Sea Lion in the kelp so being streamlined is very important to me. Anything that can snag gets changed. My scooters left handle is coming off for that very reason. It snags when clipped off, and swimming around. Getting rid of and changing around some of your gear could prevent something sticking in there. For instance the handle on the top of the tank is not needed underwater, but does leave a space open for something to get caught on it.
Are the pony bands going to hold up to a good whack? The picture does not reveal much on them, but it looks like they could let the cylinder fall away. Can you clip off your SPG with gloves on and eyes closed? The pictures makes it look hard to do. Have you dove with your tank that high before? I keep my top band right at the top of the tank, but we have different brands of gear, so it does not mean much. Plus you have a pony tank and I do not use one since I also have doubles when needed. The fourth picture shows your weight pocket sticking out, and it looks like your knife is going to protrude out too. Could that snag that on kelp?
Just a side note that with weight integrated you can not take off your BC underwater, without you trying to go up as your gear tries to hit the bottom. That is why many technical divers wear a weight belt separate of their harness. Also the can light goes on the right side of the harness. Not sure where you "are" going to put yours in the future
I would highly recommend the book "Dress For Success". It explains the hows and whys of technical diving configurations.
Mike you have some really nice gear there
Rob, fill me in on why you would want an OPV? I can see it on an argon bottle but the reg can just free flow. He does have a button gauge on it.