In what scenarios might someone appropriately donate air to a Low On Air (LOA) diver who is not OOA?
It is my training and mine and my partner's plan that we will first of all stay aware of our own and each other's air but in the situation of a surprise loss of awareness LOA we will immediately begin a normal ascent and closely monitor and be ready to donate if LOA turns into OOA.
I bring this up because I somewhat often see other divers LOA in large guided groups being donated air prior to being OOA, sometimes by a buddy but almost always by a guide / instructor. Is this ever really appropriate? I think this is also compounded by the insistence of "return to boat" mandatory psi's making people start to panic when they really have plenty of air to end their dive safely. On a recent Red Sea liveaboard we were told return with 750 psi. I watched many divers anxiously signaling divemasters when they were at maybe 40 feet and maybe 900 psi and an ascent had not yet been signaled by guide. They were clearly anxious they would not make it back with 750 psi. Some of them were donated air by the guide during ascent while not even close to OOA.
I don't mean to start a huge discussion about "be back on the boat with xxx psi" but am I missing something about when to donate? Some scenarios I'm not considering? As I ponder this more closely, I am wondering, for instance, that if it looks like someone WILL go OOA or is highly likely to go OOA during the ascent (say they signal me they have 300 psi and we are at 60 feet) is it wise to immediately begin donating and ascending with the intention that I am leaving them a "backup" 300 psi reserve?
Appreciate everyone's thoughts.
It is my training and mine and my partner's plan that we will first of all stay aware of our own and each other's air but in the situation of a surprise loss of awareness LOA we will immediately begin a normal ascent and closely monitor and be ready to donate if LOA turns into OOA.
I bring this up because I somewhat often see other divers LOA in large guided groups being donated air prior to being OOA, sometimes by a buddy but almost always by a guide / instructor. Is this ever really appropriate? I think this is also compounded by the insistence of "return to boat" mandatory psi's making people start to panic when they really have plenty of air to end their dive safely. On a recent Red Sea liveaboard we were told return with 750 psi. I watched many divers anxiously signaling divemasters when they were at maybe 40 feet and maybe 900 psi and an ascent had not yet been signaled by guide. They were clearly anxious they would not make it back with 750 psi. Some of them were donated air by the guide during ascent while not even close to OOA.
I don't mean to start a huge discussion about "be back on the boat with xxx psi" but am I missing something about when to donate? Some scenarios I'm not considering? As I ponder this more closely, I am wondering, for instance, that if it looks like someone WILL go OOA or is highly likely to go OOA during the ascent (say they signal me they have 300 psi and we are at 60 feet) is it wise to immediately begin donating and ascending with the intention that I am leaving them a "backup" 300 psi reserve?
Appreciate everyone's thoughts.