It's funny how many in this thread claim bad vis as their reason for calling a dive.
While nobody should ever question your buddy's reason to call a dive (the thumb is a command, not a request, we'll discuss the issue when we have solid ground under our feet), it's interesting to me that while I've never called a dive due to vis, I've called dives due to surface conditions. Granted, I've never been in really crappy vis (my worst dive ever had some 1-2m vis), I've always found that that hasn't been a serious concern to me. Getting into and out of the water without being uncomfortably thrown around, on the other hand...
I would not call a dive for 1-2m visability. In the Netherlands it is very likely that at some point during your dive the visibility will be that bad.
When I mean bad visibility I really mean 0, noting. To the point where you can't even read your instruments. That just sucks.