...Soon, he was around the corner and out of site. As I reached the turn, I couldn’t see him ahead at all. I was getting really winded from swimming hard into the current and started to feel a bit of panic setting in. When I finally caught sight of him I signaled for him to slow down. He made some angry gestures and continued on as fast as possible. At this point we were around 30 feet apart (or what I consider too far to effectively handle an emergency situation, thus too far). I gestured at him twice more to slow down and both times he angrily swam faster and further from me. ...
Afterward, I found out he thought I purposefully ignored the fin tug and was trying to swim away from the group to do our own thing. He thought my subsequent gestures were telling him not to slow down but to calm down bc he was mad
Do you know the sign for "buddy up"? Regardless, your husband should not have left you behind.
But the real issue is not who was at fault, it's how do you prevent this from happening again/ If the two of you are going to be buddies, you need to sit down ahead of time and work out your expectations and work on your communication. Everything needs to be crystal clear. For example, are you diving leader/follower or side by side?
If the former, the leader has to understand that he or she has to check often on the follower and move slowly enough so that the follower can stay close. Meanwhile the follower has to understand that he or she has to actually follow close enough to grab a fin with a hard kick or two. If the follower wants to stop and look at something, he or she needs to get the leader's attention first, but will have to continue on if the leader does not want want to stop. Also agree on a sign for switching positions between leader and follower.
If diving side by side, you should be within touching distance. Since you can't always do this (swimthroughs or hiding from the current for example), you need to both agree on the signals to switch between side by side and leader/follower.
I'm attaching the WRSTC common hand signals booklet. There's only 31 signals and you already know most of them. Review them with your buddy before every dive day until you are both certain you know them.
Re, the solo diver tangent. Sure it's good to have self-reliant skills, but this is not an insta-buddy question, this is a regular buddy. A proper buddy relationship brings equipment redundancy, a helping hand, and an additional pair of eyes. It would be silly to throw that away when all it takes is a little communication and understanding to make it happen.