In this case I see it the responsability of the guide. Officially every diver can abord a dive at every time with every reason.
But if there is for others no reason, then only abord yourself and the others can decide to go on. Of course not letting you in problems.
For myself, over 2300 dives, also doing technical solodives, I will not follow a group if they are going too fast. I also pay for a dive and then I will stay behind and dive solo without problems. I take pictures and are a slow swimmer, but can be a fast one if there is something interesting. I also can get deeper or shallower then.
The biggest problem in diving in groups is the difference in experience. I tell them in front that my airconsumption is low and that I don't go up when it is not my time. I don't want to end a dive with 100 bars or more left. Normally this is no problem. Also I tell them that the amount of gas in a tank depends the divetime, not the operator that is in a hurry and things 45 minute rush dives are normal. On a reef of 10m depth I can stay 90 minutes on a ali80 tank.
A stranger as divebuddy means that in a real problem I will take my responsability. But if this is shortening or making my dive bad, I will not pay for the dive. It is not my task then.
Yes, on guided dives I had 2 times a diver on my longhose (I dive recreational also with longhose configuration), and then I will help. But a diver that cannot get down, or doesn't have bouyancy or is draining tanks, it will not be my buddy. As a paying customer you also need a good dive.
Most divecenters accept this and don't make problems if you stay longer solo. Sometimes they ask to stay not too far from the boat, but if there are some rocks, I can always find something interesting.
But if you have a divecenter that puts an AOW diver with 10 dives together with one with over 2000 dives, this will not work.
NDL is just a guideline and no absolute math in the way that you die if you go over the NDL of your computer. Don't be afraid if your computer shows 'deco' and others don't. Make a safetystop, maybe 2-3 minutes longer and most deco is gone if your computer shows up to 5 minutes of deco. If you have 10 minutes of deco, and others not, then your conservatism is different. Also then don't worry. It is never bad to go up from the last 6 meters with 1m/minute. That is how technical divers do it.
Also from 30m and go up with 1min@12, 1min@9 and 3min@6 as safety stop is never bad.
Divemasters and divecenters should know more about decompression diving and in my eyes it will not be bad if every divemastercandidate does a solodivecourse to know it can be done safe. I see too many divemasters with just 60-65 dives that almost cannot help and safe theirselves.