I'm taking the SDI Solo class soon and am looking into a pony rig. Something between a 19 and a 40 I imagine. What do you use, how are you carrying it?
An emergency ascent from 60 feet is very simple.
First of all it is 1/2 of the distance you can do horizontally on one breath without beeing an athlete. I am not talking about what can be done comfortably. I am talking about what can be done without passing out (my limit is about 60m or 180ft horizontal, swimming suit, no fins). Freediving is a wonderfull pursuit. Try it for a while! And, oh, if you breathe overpressure oxygen (=scuba) then you will have some extra time. Carbon dioxide will feel bad anyway, but **** happens.
Second, as you ascend (from 60ft), the relative overpressure in you scuba cylinder will grow and will give you a number of extra breaths. I know this both from theory and from actual practice (was not a drill). I was wearing a rather small 7 litre cylinder monkey style. Breathed it empty at 60ft, got more breaths on ascent.
I am absolutely sure, that ANY air cylinder, be it 10 or 19 or 40, will be a wonderfull and usefull thing if you only can keep your head calm when **** hits the fan.
Two moderately sized sidemounted cylinders is a stress-free and balanced solution. Equally used, they can be trusted.